Chapter 21:Plastic Tombs

Start from the beginning

    “So...can you at least tell me who or what you are?”

    No reply. It seemed the one behind this trip wasn’t willing to talk outside of one-word directions. It wasn’t all that bad really other than the suddenness of it. It sounded like himself but it was also slightly off. 

    The drive to town was quiet other than the sound of wind rushing into the cabin of the truck. It was relaxing in a way. Something about the open road always helped him just escape reality in a way that was indescribable. It was an odd thing really, he felt like he should know why it was so nice yet just didn’t.  

    After some amount of time, he finally crossed into the outskirts of town. Unsurprisingly everywhere was closed. The memory of what happened that day was at the forefront of his mind now. That thing looked so much like Caroline it was haunting. How? How would that work? Did Momo see her or did she just see a monstrous form? There were so many unanswered questions given the woman had seen Sammy where Ella was…


    “Got it.”

    The truck pulled up to the light and stopped. The light was red and cast a bit of an eerie glow across the buildings nearby. It was a ghost town at the moment and it was just a bit too dark. A feeling of paranoia filled Sam but there was clear evidence that no one was around. 

    Finally, the light turned green and the man turned through the intersection. Still no one or anything around except himself and whatever had decided to get into his head. It felt like he was in a horror novel and the thing in the night was just toying with him. Waiting for him to slip up and then it would strike.

    After a few blocks, the buildings started looking less and less inviting and more like they had been abandoned. The blue-eyed man never really came to this side of town other than if he needed to and it never felt welcoming. All these buildings just left to rot. It wasn’t much different to Fredbear’s...except Fredbear’s had a place to die away from everything else...morbid but it seemed fitting given the instructions for how to handle a suit failure…

    “Look for the van.”

    “Van? Ok...that’s...sure. Alright.”

    If there was ever a place in town to leave a car this was it. Sam chuckled to himself, maybe he could restore any of the ones he found and start a collection or a museum. It was amusing given he had a bit of a passion for older cars but that would need to be sorted out later. 

    “Alright...Oh. Well, that was easier than expected.”

    Samuel’s eyes fell upon a white van with red windows. Some text was on the back but it was faded and worn. It had clearly been sitting for some time which meant that it had been picked up some time ago. 

    “Go into the building.”

    “Well, into the building it is.”

    The man slowly pulled the truck into a spot that seemed fine enough and cut the engine. The silence of night filled the cab again. There was something in the building that he needed to see but...would it be worth it? Was this a trap? 

    “Into the breach it is I guess.”

    At last, the door of the old Ford opened and the driver stepped into the night air. This was it. Anything that happened now would lead to the final fight. There was a feeling of finality to this location. As if the secrets it held would finally put things into motion. 

    Before he entered the building the tall man went to the van. Curiosity had gripped him the moment he saw it and it kind of surprised him. It was either some sort of advertisement van or maybe a moving van but it still threw him for a loop. 

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