After eating, Gwen looked over at Krist and saw that he was still there. She drank her juice and said,"Thank you for the lunch Bas. I should be leaving now. Will meet you later.  Take care. Bye."

Bas stood up and hugged her. He felt assured when she hugged him back. He watched her go over to Krist and he felt his anger rising again. No matter what he did or said, she never took him seriously.

"Patience. I am sure something will be found. Krist is no angel. He is bound to make mistake. When he does, I will make sure that Godt hates him."

Gwen walked over to Krist and stood by his chair. Knot noticed her and smiled out of curiosity. He patted at Krist who was eating and made him look up. Krist was surprised to see Gwen and stood to hug her.

"Mae, what a pleasant surprise. Please join us. Sorry, I didn't notice you earlier." Krist said beaming and pulled out a chair for her.

Gwen smiled and sat down. She caressed Krist's face and said,"I was here with Bas. I couldn't leave him alone so I came after having lunch."

Krist first felt bad hearing that Bas was having lunch with her but then he felt glad that she came over to meet him. He held her hand and said,"It's ok, mae. Let me introduce my best friend's. This is...."

"Knot and Singto. I know them. They were with you in Sotus. I have seen it so many times. I loved it." Gwen said smiling.

They smiled at her. Knot then excused himself as he had a meeting. He looked at Singto wondering if he wanted to leave together. Singto nodded and they left together.

"Krist, I hope you didn't feel bad that I was with Bas. We have been quite close since 2 moons. Godt had introduced us and since then Bas was in contact." Gwen explained.

Krist smiled and said,"It's ok. I don't mind. He will always be Godt's friend and co-star. Just like me and Singto."

Gwen smiled. She was glad that Krist was not jealous. If he didn't have any problems with Bas, it meant that he would always allow Godt to concentrate on his career. She had heard that many times actor's had a difficult due to jealous spouses.

"Do you have any work after this?" Gwen asked

Krist thought for a while and then took out his phone to check. Ever since his pregnancy started, he had minimised his schedule. Now, he worked 5 times a week. He got weekends off. But today he took off as Knot wasn't free on weekend.

"Sorry mae but I have a meeting. I will have to go."

"It's ok. We can meet some other time. Give me a call whenever you are free. We can spend some time together. I want to know you better." Gwen told him smiling.

Krist was so happy hearing this that he hugged her. Gwen was surprised at first but then she laughed and hugged him back. She patted his back and said,"Come lets go then."

They walked out together laughing and chatting. Krist went till her car and then stopped her.

"Mae, I forgot to tell you. My parent's want to meet you and Por. Tomorrow night. Sorry I forgot to tell you earlier." Krist said looking down.

Gwen laughed and ruffled his hair.
"It's ok dear. No need to feel bad. Send me the details for tomorrow and we will be there. Don't worry. Take care Krist. See you tomorrow then."

Krist nodded and she sat in her car and drove away. Krist was very happy and excited. He couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Bas was angry. He had seen how Gwen was laughing and hugging Krist. He had waited and followed them till the parking lot. When he heard that Krist's parent's were going to meet them, he became more angry. He saw Krist going towards his car. He followed him and wore a mask on his face. He then went behind him and hit him hard on his head.

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