Double tap

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Gift for HoneyBunBunUwU

Red quickly threw a bag of clothes over his shoulder, glancing back at the shivering girl and groaning monster. How did (y/n) even know that trash bag? Oh, right...he was in the mafia goat lady was in and controlled. What was her name again?

Red smirked and grabbed you by your hair, yanking you towards him and kicking dirt on sans while he was down.

"Sans! Please, please get up!"

You cried out loudly. Sans weakly looked towards you with saddened eyes. He couldn't move..he couldn't even smile for you to reassure you everything would be okay. Your (e/c) eyes glimmered with tears while you were yanked away from him, harshly clothed, and thrown over Red's other non vacant shoulder. You began bashing your hands to the hunched back and screamed loudly.

"Doll, would you stop that?!"

Red hissed loudly while his back was hit and clawed at. Sans tried sitting up to use his healing powers as fast as he could, which was agonizingly slow. He was never in good touch with his healing powers..Toriel, however...
Sans winced when remembering the boss of his mafia, sighing and focusing more on healing his broken and cracked bones. (Y/n) and red were already out the door and loading up in the car outside, which didn't give him much time to sit and absorb the pain he was being forced to endure. He frantically forced his magic to work faster while the car started and began driving off.

Red glanced at your delicate and beautiful figure. He leaned to the side, attempting to pick a gentle kiss to your cheek with as much love and adoration he felt for you at the moment. You in turn slammed his face away and curled into a ball of hurt and anger. Your ankles throbbed with the ropes tightly wrapped around them. Your wrists stung at the feeling of cuffs rubbing and digging into your (s/c) skin. Nothing could entice you more than the thought and taste of freedom you longed for so was almost a daydream. Your friends, house, and family. Family..your mom. Oh, how you missed and ached for your mother's soft and warm voice. Toriel was like a distant memory that your mind wasn't ready to remember..But your real mom, (m/n), was as tender as your adopted mother was. Maybe they were the same being..both sweet, reliable..


"(Y/n)? What are you doing, silly girl?"

Your mother asked with a soft giggle. She had been getting you ready for a semi-formal event that was taking place in less than an hour, at your house..but you were having none of it. You had kicked off the small heels and began lifting and dropping your white skirt. Your father from across the room scowled and grabbed your mom's hair once he was close enough.

"Hurry the fuck up, woman. I won't wait any longer than I have to."

He growled, letting her go and puffing his chest when a guest walked in, greeting him with a polite smile and wave. Your father was a narcissistic macho man, and that was absolutely no joke. (m/n) winced and looked at you, pointing to your father.

"Never marry a man like that. Don't even associate with them, my love. Pardon my French, but he's the butt of a horse!"

She said with a soft and playful scowl. You laughed loudly, allowing her to put your shoes back on and tidy up your messy (h/c) hair. Smiling at your mom, you said,

"I love you, momma."

She smiled warmly and ran her hands against your rosy cheeks before kissing your lips. You closed your eyes, opening them again and seeing both Toriel and (m/n).

"I love you too, my darling. Never forget that."
"I love you too, my child. Never forget that"

/End of flashback/

Your teary eyes widened upon remembering their words and faces, touching a finger to your lips and closing your eyes to let the salty tears run down freely.

"I didn't forget, mom...I never will.."

You muttered with a soft sob and sniffle. Red glanced over to you and fiddled with the steering wheel, sighing softly and placing a hand on your knee to comfort you.

"I-..Dollface, I'm not big on apologies or anythin' like that, but....I'm sorry.."

You tensed slightly and glared at him.

"Promise me you won't hurt me again."

He visibly winced and looked away.

"Sweetheart, I-"


You screamed, uncurling from your ball of tight pain and moist tears to grab his suit jacket and yank. He jutted and yelled, keeping the wheel straight before muffling a curse with his clenched teeth and glaring your way.

"FINE, YA BITCH! I won't hurt 'cha!.."

He grumbled, turning on a dirt road and driving further to who knows where. You sighed with relief and let him go, looking ahead and sliding back into the warmth of your corner against the car weren't sure how you got that confidence to yell at a monster that was perfectly capable of killing you on the spot, but you were almost certain it had something to do with the memory of the two most important people in your lifetime. Red glanced at you again and rolled his shoulders slowly.

"Yer mom, Toriel..she ain't dead.."

He said with a slow voice, to not disturb or startle you. Your head swiveled to him with an astonished look.

"W-what? But I saw her dust!"

You screeched, gripping the armrest on your seat. Red shifted uncomfortably and rubbed his neck.

"Ya did, ya saw what I wanted ya to see.."

He grumbled softly. Your eyes watered and you smiled slightly. Your mom was alive...she was alive! This couldn't be possible, you saw him kill her with your own eyes, and you swore up and down that you saw her dress fall into the pile of dust!

But she was..was he giving you false hope just so you wouldn't give up entirely? Did

[----switch pov----]

Sans stumbled out of the shack and groaned lowly in response to the intense pain shocking through his bones. His phone buzzed on the ground and stopped when he answered it.


"Sans, tell me where my child is instantly, and I won't kill you upon sight."

Baffled, sans chocked on a gasp of surprise and gripped the threshold of the doorway.

"Tori?! I thought the damn maniac killed ya!"

He screeched. Toriel was silent on the other line for a solid five seconds before inhaling slowly.

"We are going to be killing a pest tonight.."

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