"But Zivah." He said again with frustration.

"I have been through this, Ved. I know how it feels." I said finally, reminding him about my situation when he left without saying. Ved didn't say anything and I could tell why. I let out a sigh continuing further.

"Parth and Laksh were there with me cheering me up," I said again. Ved still was quiet.

"I know what Laksh did was wrong. He should have been more considerate towards Parth seeing his condition but something must be up with them which we don't know yet." I said further.

"Please just don't lose your cool. Parth needs us." I said in an almost pleading voice. I heard Ved let out a sigh.

"You can confront Laksh some other time. Not today." I said. He still didn't say anything.

"Ved, please. For me? Please just listen to me this once?" I said again.

"Fine," Ved said finally making me smile.

"But if that dick-head comes in front of me and talks nonsense then I won't take it." He said with irritation. I let out a chuckle shaking my head in disappointment.

"Okay," I said nodding. Like some mom agreeing to her angry child's conditions so he would listen to her point in return.

"I'll see you at some time," Ved said.

"Yes, bye." I said, "And just keep that anger out? I'm not used to it." I said with a small smile.

"I will try." Ved said.

"Thanks. Bye." I said.

"Bye." He said cutting the call.

Laksh, what the fuck are you doing? Just think about Parth and what he is going through. How can you just add to it, instead of being there for him?

My grip on steering tightened making my hands white. I took a deep breath as Parth's Villa finally came in my vision.


I rang the doorbell in anticipation and looked around. There were no cars outside stating no one has arrived yet. I took a sigh of relief when one of the helpers opened the door for me.

I gave him a smile which he returned and I made my way inside.

"Sit. I will call Parth sir." He said to which I nodded and he left.

Just when I saw Rupath and Renee coming inside with concern and worry. I gave them a small smile which they returned and got seated taking their seats on the couch.

"Where is he?" Rupath asked with worry clearly visible on his face.

"That helper said he is upstairs and went to tell him. I just got here." I said. Rupath nodded but didn't say anything.

"I don't understand anything," Renee said shaking her head a little.

"That jerk is just adding to everyone's worry," Rupath said with frustration.

"Can't he just bother to inform people about his whereabouts? Who behaves like this?" He said again. Renee looked at me and then again Rupath.

"When there are already tons of other things," Rupath said holding his head tight. I felt genuinely bad for him.

"I don't know how to handle this shit anymore." He said in a low voice shaking his head.

"Rupath, it's okay. We should hear them out first." Renee said in an understanding tone.

"Right." He said giving her a small smile. He was trying to hold everything inside so hard. Renee looked helpless.

I knew it was breaking her to see him like this.

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