the begining

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[Hi guys! Alex here! Heres a few things To know.
(Y/n)= your name
(Y/l/n)=your last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color]


It was really dark. no words. No sounds. Until you opened your (e/c) eyes. You noticed you were in a waiting room, in a small craddle and blanket in the floor, with weird looking people such as some lady that was cut in half. And a man with a shrunken head. You let out a soft cry. Some Guy with a raspy, deep voice groaned, "keep your kid quiet!" You kept crying and squealing. Soon you saw a man standing over you. He didnt look To Nice or normal. He had a white pale face with hazel eyes, a green stubble across his chin and jaw Line, his hair at the roots was a Brown color and the rest was a red color then slowly started changing To green, he had a filthy, dirty, moss coverd black and white stripped suit on. He looked scary and big, not fat but built strong and broad shoulderd. You didnt like what you saw so you cried more and squealed. He rolled his eyes and Picked you up out of the cradle, not the way that he was supposed To pick a baby up, he held you more like rafiki held simba from the lion King. He didnt even hold you close he held you out like youd contaminate him. "Beej! You better hold that kid right! You dont need To drop her!" A lady yelled from the door then disappeard. You turned your head To see who the voice came from but buy the time you looked, you didnt see anyone so you looked back at the man, who now had you kinda secure with a slight snarl. He then got a slight smirk as he got an idea and mumbled, "they'll love you.." You looked at him and babbled. He finally held you right against his chest where you soon fell asleep as he walked. He looked down when he noticed you werent making any noises babys do. He saw you were asleep and he couldnt help but ease his expression and give a slight soft smile.

[How are you guys?💚]

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