Blind Meeting

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It had been a long day and I was ready to just go to bed. My apartment building was being fumigated because there were termites found in one of the downstairs apartments. My dear friend Maggie offered to let me stay with her until I could go back to my place, an offer I gratefully accepted. However, I had to go to work with her first before she could take me back to her place. There wasn't enough time after I got done at the school and when her shift at McGinty's so here I was sitting in a booth listening to my second audio book of the night sipping on my fifth glass of water. I didn't mind waiting for Maggie to finish her shift, I didn't even mind the rowdy crowd around me. What I did mind though were the idiots who tried to come and talk to me. There was a reason I had headphones on but apparently that meant nothing to some people. A few guys offered to buy me a drink, I politely told them no and after ten minutes of trying they eventually left me alone. Maggie would always come over and check on me afterwards but I always waved her off telling her I was fine.

As the night wore on the crowd got rowdier as the drinks poured out. I was doing fairly well at being left alone and for a moment thought that the rest of my night would pass by uninterrupted. This, however, was not the case. A guy sat down next to me in the booth and flung his arm over my shoulder. The weight on my shoulders was crushing as he pulled me closer to his side. He reeked of alcohol and his skin felt sweaty under my fingers,

"Hey there gorgeous." The mans speech was slurred and his voice was grating, "How's abou' you and I get… get ta know one another."

"No thanks." I ducked out of the man's grasped and pushed myself further away from him. He grabbed hold of my wrist and yanked me closer so I was sitting on his lap. I tried to get up but he held me firmly around the waist,

"Aw come on sweethear'… I jus wanna talk." I scrunched up my nose,

"Well I don't. Now le' me go." Instead of letting me go his hand wander up to my face,

"Why ya wearin' sunglasses inside? It's dark out… I wanna see your eyes, prolly jus as… jus as pretty as you are." I felt him reach for the glasses and smacked his hand viscously,

"What I choose ta wear is none of your concern, nowlet me go."

"Oi!" I was quickly yanked out of the man's grasp and pushed into someone else's grasp who gently moved me aside, "Keep ya hands of her."

"Aye, the lass doesn't want ya to be pawin her so leave her alone."

"Aw we was jus havin' some fun." I scoffed,

"Like hell we were."

"Now ya see, the lass doesn't want ya."

"Ya best be leavin' an' keep your hands ta yourself 'fore we break it." The man grumbled some curses but one thing he said was very clear,

"Stupid slut." After that the sound of a fist cracking bone was heard followed by more curses,

"Now tha' wasn't very nice was it. Ya shoulda just left when ya hand the chance."

"Aye, ya didn't need to go insultin' the poor lass."

"Now, are ya gonna apologize and walk outta 'ere or are we gonna break ya jaw next and throw ya out." The man grumbled drunken obscenities but the sound of the door slamming was enough to tell me that he had left. "Are ya alright lass?" Before I could say anything I was quickly pulled into Maggie's embrace,

"Oh are ya alright Chris?"

"I'm fine Maggie."

"Thank you boys so much."

"Ah it was notin' Maggie."

"Aye, we couldn't leave the poor lass to fend him off by herself."

"Boys, this is Christian Doyle. Chris, this is Murphy and Connor MacManus." Each boy took my hand and pressed a kiss to my knuckles,

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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