"What? Mira?" Seungmin looked at Mr. Lee.

"Yes. She's the perfect candidate."

"You knew about this?" Seungmin averted his gaze to Jisung.

"I couldn't refuse." Jisung said.

"What's happening? Why don't you guys like Mira as his assistant?"

"I'm fine with it."

Chan clearly looked worried but after hearing Jisung's answer, he agreed on it. "If Jisung's fine with it, I guess I could be okay with it."

"Seungmin? What about you?" Mr. Lee asked him.

"I-I don't know. What if-"

"Seungminnie, nothing will happen." Jisung rubbed his back.

"But are you sure you're fine with it?"

"I am."

"Fine. I'll let her assist him. But there's no more available rooms at the house. She can't move in."

Taeyong smiled, "That's alright." He pressed a button connected to some sort of mic, then the school speakers turned on.

"Lee Minho and Kang Mira please head to my office now." He removed his finger from the button. "Let's wait until they get here."

The three of them looked at each other hesitantly.

"We're here." Minho opened the door and came inside the room with Mira close behind.

"What did you want to talk about?" She questioned.

Mr. Lee had them sit down, "Minho, you know how you've been needing a new assistant recently?"


"Well, we found you a new one."

"Don't I have Jisung?"

"He's getting busier."

"Who is it anyways."

Seungmin was getting impatient, to reply to his question, he pointed at Mira. "Her."


Jisung shrugged, "She seems like she'd be fit for the job."


Jisung pleaded, "You can't say no. We don't have any other choice. Please."

The oldee groaned. He glared at her and walked out of the room.

"S-Sorry, I'll call him down."

Mira stepped in front of him and stopped him. "No! I'll do it. I'm his assistant now."

"It's fine-"

She walked out of the room and went to "comfort" Minho.

Seungmin rolled his eyes. He never liked Mira. She was always too suspicious. "She'll just piss him off even more. Bet."

Jisung looked worried and the thoughts from the night before started coming back.

"All three of you can go home. Just get your things in your classroom and call Doyoung to pick you up."

"Okay thanks Taeyong." Chan hugged him.

Chan's been friends with Taeyong for a really long time, so they talk to each other casually.

Jisung walked outside and dialed in Doyoung's number. "Hey hyung, can you pick us up? We're at the school."

"Sure. I'll be there in a bit."

The phone call ended and he looked to his left, seeing Minho down against the wall, talking to Mira who was beside him.

"Tomorrow? How about Saturday?"

"We don't have classes tomorrow."

"Alright." Minho saw Jisung and ran to him.

"What were you guys talking about?"

"Just.. some things."

"You're okay around her now?"

"Sort of. It's less awkward between us now. Thanks for helping babe." The older kissed him on the cheek.

"Heh. Let's go home."

"Oh, I have to.. uh... buy a few things at the bookstore. I'll see you later at home?"

"Okay. I'll bring your bag home."

"Thank you!" Minho started walking the other way... with Mira?


Jisung got his and his boyfriend's bag.

The three of them went to the entrance of the school and saw Doyoung waiting.

"Hyung!" Seungmin shouted.

"Hey guys. Get in."

They all got in and sat at the back so they could talk more.

"Sungie, aren't you uncomfortable with Mira being Minho's assistant? You're dating him after all." Seungmin didn't trust her, he was worried for his friend.

"Seungmin, they've been friends ever since they were little. I can't be selfish and just take Minho away from the world. Of course, I'm fine with him talking with to any person."

"I'm not sure if you've noticed, but that person used him. She humiliated him and broke his heart, with no apology at all."

"Everyone deserves a second chance."

"Maybe it's okay for you to see Minho with his ex because they're conversing again, but I won't just sit back and watch Minho POSSIBLY FALL IN LOVE WITH HER AGAIN!"

Chan glared at him, "Seungmin! That's enough."

"F-Fall in love with her?"

"I'm worried for you. You can't be selfless your whole life."

"I-I'll be okay."

Chan sighed, "Hannie, what we meant is that if you're having concerns, just feel free to tell me or the others."

"Thanks. I will."

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