"A pleasure to be working with you Captain Rumin, while we ride, you can tell us all you know about Simon's case," Edmund said riding next to the Captain.

He told us what Adaline had told us yesterday, Simon leaving in the middle of the night and a few hours later his horse returning frightened and confused. The Prince was seen going northwest from the stables but it wasn't much of a start. We headed straight down the path, looking for any signs of his presence.

We then came across a fork in the road.

"The first group of knights went left on the crossroads, so I believe it's only logical we take the right," Captain Rumin said. We nodded and continued down on the right.

"What's on the left where does that path take you?" I asked. I was just thinking about where Simon might have been heading. But then again we don't actually know why he left in the first place. Just speculations really.

"It takes you past the lake and down that lake is a nice village and farmers, where we get our crops from," Captain Rumin, said, " down this path takes us through some woods and straight to some mountains and the legend Dragon's Peak."

"No there aren't dragons there...at least not anymore, they've migrated towards The Southern Islands, even then they've gone down in numbers so they mostly keep to themselves," Edmund interjected to calm anyone's nerves. Damn, and I thought I was going to see a dragon today.

"Remember, finding the Prince is our number one priority so let's just focus," Captain Rumin said. We continued our way through the woods, hoping to see any signs that Simon was there. At this point, I was starting to feel anxious. I mean who knows what could have happened to Simon, what if he was kidnapped, what if we're wasting time and he needs us right now but we can't...what if he's dead and this is all in vain? I blanked out feeling my stomach churn. I'm useless- no this isn't about me it's about Simon and-

"(Y/n), what are you doing?" Clover asked rejecting my absent-minded pulling on her reigns making her stray from the path. Quickly I adjusted the reigns and continued like before. Feeling my face burn with embarrassment I cleared my throat to bring myself back to reality.

"S-Sorry, I was...I was distracted that's all," I said.

"You alright kiddo?" she asked, letting maternal instincts show. Even though she's a horse, she was very caring and comforting, which reminded me of my sister.

"Yeah I just need to focus that's all," and that's what I did. I didn't want to bother anyone with my worries because there was no point, just my mind being loud again. I looked around and saw Edmund looking at me. He smiled and looked away, causing me to awkwardly smile and become flustered. How long was he looking?! Ugh, So much for staying focused...

The somewhat visible hoove prints' we were following only went so far before they stopped abruptly.

"Maybe this is where Simon and his horse separated, I know this path is somewhat traveled but it's-" one of the guards was interrupted when Lucy practically squealed.

"Look, it's a bag and a piece of cloth!" She dismounted the horse and ran over to a bush close by. "Does this look familiar at all?" she asked holding the pieces up to show off. We all rode over to get a closer look. Captain Rumin inspected it closely. His eyes lit up, smiling.

"That's Simon's alright, there's even the royal crest on the side of the satchel," he said dusting off the dirt from it.

"So this confirms he went down here!" One of the guards cheered.

"That or perhaps they were dumped here, we can't be one hundred percent sure until we keep searching," I said feeling slightly like a wet blanket. The captain nodded but some of the guards seemed unconvinced.

♚ ℑrust the Just ♚ // Edmund X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now