Ch.2: Saved

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Derek was seated on Katherine's bedside, when he sensed someone approaching the door that he didn't know. Then whoever it was knocked on the door, so he got up and opened it. And that's when he realized that it was probably the teenager.

"You must be Derek," she greeted.

"Hope, I assume," he replied to her.

"That's me," she assured him.

"Come in," he invited, and stepped aside for her to do so.

She walked inside. Then he closed the big door. And that's when she saw where Katherine was. She'd never met Katherine, but she knew of her from reading a book that had her dad's full story in there. That book also had Katherine's story, so she knew that Katherine and her dad were alike in more ways than one. She also knew that if she didn't help Katherine, it would dishonor her Uncle Elijah. After all, she knew that she and Elijah had always had a deep connection with one another. She also knew though, that Katherine was supposed to be dead a long time ago. She knew that Katherine had been dying of old age before she'd even been born, but she also knew that Katherine had come back to life-ish as a demon, which had made Katherine try to destroy Mystic Falls. Then Katherine had been taken down, so nobody had really known where'd she'd gone after that. Now, she knew where Katherine was. She was in this town, alongside a werewolf. One that seemed to have better manners than most of the wolves she had to be around at the school for supernaturals that Alaric had created with Caroline.

Hope sat on Katherine's bedside, before looking at Derek.

"I'm going to go into Katherine's head to figure out what kind of poison the claws have given her. Black veins usually mean poison. Don't worry, though. We'll save her. I'm not called a miracle child for nothing."

"Do whatever you need to," he told her.

She looked at the Traveler descendant again, before closing her eyes, a hand on hers, and entering her recent memories. Then, after she'd done that, she saw what and who actually had scratched her. And when she saw that, she realized what she had to do for her. So, after figuring that out, she came out of her head. She then looked at Derek again. After all, he knew this town more than she did. He'd know where to find what she needed.

"What is it?" he asked, wanting to know what she'd found.

"I need some ingredients so I can make the cure for her. You know this town by heart. Is there any passionflower and marigold?" she informed him and asked of him.

"There is. I know where they are," he answered her.

"I'm also going to need Merlock Orchid," she added.

"I'll get them," he told her. Then he left.

An hour later, Derek returned with a leaf from Merlock Orchid, as well as the flowers Marigold and Passionflower.

Upon the younger Hale's return, Hope got up to take them and grab a bowl. Then, once at the table, she liquified both flowers in the bowl. Then she added a drop of her blood mixed in, adding to the healing. Then, when it was finished, she poured it into a cup.

"Have her drink this. Then I'll help wake her up with the Merlock Orchid leaf," she instructed and told him.

He took the cure, going to her to do as she told him. By now, the black veins were on both of her arms, but he knew that she'd be okay.

When the newbie werewolf woke up, she realized that she was cured. She saw that Hope was on the couch, so she knew that it had been Hope's doing. She also saw Derek seated on her bedside.

"Thanks," she told Hope, before giving Derek a smile. "You, too. You saved me by getting Hope here." She then sat up in bed. "What are we going to do about Kate, though? If she scratches or bites another wolf, she'll kill them."

"We can take care of her later. Right now, you need to take it easy for a while," he replied.

"I can help you with her," Hope interjected. "It's not like she can do much to me anyways."

Kat looked at her.

"I'd love it if you did. We can use all the help we can get. And maybe between both of you, I can learn more control over my wolf self. I'm not even sure what all my abilities are. It's one thing to be friends with wolves. It's another thing to be one yourself."

"I'll help you with both then," Hope told her. She knew what an out of control werewolf could bring. She knew she had to help her.

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