H2O: Just add water Season 5

Start from the beginning

"He was shunned," Marie started, "I have no idea where he is-you won't be able to find him."

"Thing is, I now have full control of my tail-and your powers. It'll should be quite easy to find him."

"Why?" Marie asked.

"You know why, just think back to when we were kids. Once you do, it'll all come rushing back."


Emma got a text.

"Meet at my house, important news!-Bella"

Emma groaned and got up. She didn't want to go, but she thought she should anyways.

Once she got to Bella's she knocked on her houses white stone door. Bella answered and ushered her upstairs where Cleo and Rikki were already waiting.

"So what's this news?" Cleo asked eager.

"Gabbi," Bella began, "she is somehow controlling me. She is making do and say what she wants, she was manipulating me during my questioning."

"What that's crazy!" Cleo said.

"What did she make you say?" Rikki asked, "did everyone else's go well?"

Emma felt bad. Gabbi had tricked her and she had fell for it. Betraying one her best friends-who couldn't do anything because she was being controlled.

"Emma?" Bella said, breaking Emma out of her thought.

"Hmm?" Emma responded.

"What'd you say to the police?" Bella asked.

"Oh, um nothing really I just said that the fumes of the fire made us pass out and I can't remember."

"So Bella's the only one with a story," Cleo said.

"What'd you and Rikki say?" Emma asked.

"Pretty much same thing as you," Cleo said, "and Rikki was just...difficult."

The girls laughed at the predictability of Rikki's actions, then Bella stopped it.

"If I'm the only one with a story, you all have to learn it-and fast."


"Sit tempestate pluviae veniant, purgare me dolor. Sit tempestate pluviae veniant, purgare me dolor. Sit tempestate pluviae veniant, purgare me dolor."

Alison was angry with Gabbi, she wasn't thinking straight and she was loosing her mind. Alison started to chant some more.

"Sit tempestate pluviae veniant, purgare me dolor."

This mermaid spell she was starting was going to create a storm. A storm of all storms.

"I will destroy her my queen, this is for you," Alison said, "Sit tempestate pluviae veniant, purgare me dolor!"



"What's that?" Cleo said rushing to the window.

"Look at those clouds," Bella said.

"There was no storm on the radar," Emma said.

"That's a monster of a storm," Rikki said.

"Let's go outside-this isn't normal," Emma said, and the girls followed behind her.

"The beach-look!" Bella said pointing to the dark clouds rolling from the ocean.

"Quick let's go!" Cleo said as the girls jumped into the water and swam to the beach.

ΨΨΨ- Gabbi

"What the hell?!" Gabbi said looking at the impending storm.

Gabbi flew to where she saw the storm was coming from, the beach.

"Those mermaids," Gabbi said through gritted teeth.


Alison swam toward the surface, longing to see what chaos her storm was bringing.

Technically this was illegal, but Alison would not sit back without helping her queen.

Before she broke the surface, she saw four mermaids swimming towards her, either guards to take her away or those hybrids. Alison didn't wait around to see, she swam towards the shore.


Hey! How are you all? Hope you liked this chapter if you did please vote and comment, that way I know if I should make a season 6 or write more on my Isabella Hartley story. Let me know! :)

H20:Just add water Season 5Where stories live. Discover now