H2o: Just add water Season 5

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Episode 11: Know the past understand the future

What happened last time:

-The girls meet 2 new mermaids

-Will comes back for a small while

-The mermaids have a plan



Emma woke up in her bedroom. As her eyes adjusted to the room she was horrified to see that everything was black and white.

"What the..."

Emma pulled off her covers and walked downstairs. When she was there she saw that everything was black and white, and eerily silent. She glanced at the clock and saw that the time was 8:00am. On a weekend usually everyone is up by then. Emma's family has always been early birds, eight is a late time for no one to be up. Emma decided to go down to the beach and see what's going on there.


As Emma walked out of the house, everything was still black and white, silent and no one was around. Emma felt like she was in a horror film. She quickly jogged down to the beach and was relived to see Bella, Cleo and Rikki on the shore, and the colour reappear to everything.

"Hey!" Emma called out.

No response.

"Hey!" Emma called again, louder.

Again, no response.

Emma moved closer, and she called hear what the girls were talking about.

"So Emma was a mermaid to?" Bella asked.

"Yeah," Rikki responded," She change with us one night at Mako."

"Yeah, but she had to leave and travel the world, kind of amazing though," Cleo added.

Emma realised why no one was at her house, she didn't live there. She was travelling the world. She was somehow in the past.

In the distance Emma saw a flash of light, and a figure walking towards her.

"Who are you?" Emma called out, "Did you bring me here?"


Emma gasped, "Gabbi."


"Stop this Gabbi, why am I here!" Emma yelled.

"I thought you'd like to see what your so called friends did without you when you were gone, and that boy of yours, Ash.

"What?" Emma asked.

"Oh right you haven't seen Ash yet," Gabbi said, "Well I better be going, have fun with Ash!"


Emma walked down the beach heading towards the place where she showed Ash she was a mermaid, thinking that that would be the place where Ash was at. Emma was lucky, and she saw ash sitting on the rocks, but she was unlucky to see he was with someone.

Emma ran forward and stopped in her tracks when she saw who Ash was with, Bella.

A tear rolled down Emma's face, to think that while she was on holiday, he has his own fun, with the new Irish girl.

Emma realised Cleo and Rikki and Bella probably hadn't of met yet because they would've recognised Ash with her. But still, Emma was trying to bottle up her rage, she shouldn't be this angry over a boy, they broke up.

Emma couldn't think straight all she could think was Bella just walks in, steals her friends, boyfriend and her secret too!

Emma yelled, "GABBI!"

Gabbi flew down from above, "You called."

"Why am I here?" Emma demanded holding back a sob.

"Isn't it obvious? Bella stole everything from you, yet your still friends? Haven't you realised even Cleo and Rikki don't wear your lockets anymore, they wear the same thing as Bella."

Emma was silent.

"See," Gabbi said, "Bella's not your friend, if anything, she's an enemy."

"Go away and bring me into the present or out of this dream, just get me out of here!" Emma screamed at Gabbi.

"As you wish, but remember what I said it could help you."


Emma was relived when she woke up in her bed and her clock read 2:00am. She rolled back over and went to sleep, but Gabbi's message rang clear in her head, "Bella's not your friend, if anything, she's an enemy."


Hey guys hope you like this chapter, it's a bit different from what I usually write but I thought it was pretty cool, tell me what you think in the comments and if you liked it please vote!

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