Second impression

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All I wanted in life was someone to love me. I thought at times people really loved me, but they were just trying to get through to me to my twin brother, Atsumu.

Even now, even if I own a successful business shop, and has my own home, I still feel down. I don't know why, but I always think how lucky he is, he gets to play his favourite sport, volleyball, friends and has such a peaceful life. I wonder how he isn't married yet.

I decide to take a midnight stroll through the park. I look up and see millions of sparkling white lights.  I sigh as I think how unlucky I am. Sitting down on a park bench, I hear someone coming.

As he comes closer, I notice he is short with fiery orange hair. Hinata Shoyou, the team member on my brothers team. As I gaze trying to see him more clearly, he notices me.

"Hey! Aren't you Osamu, Atsumu's twin brother?"

I stutter, how does he know who I am? "Well, yea, I am. How do you know my name?"

"Well, I couldn't forget  Atsumu's twin brother could I now? How rude that would of been of me!" I see him flash a wide smile, reaching ear to ear.

"Well, I-"

"That's enough of me, just curious, why are you outside here all alone? Don't you got somewhere to be?"

I reply" Well, I'm just thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

"Nothing much." I say. I wasn't really thinking about nothing, I was just wondering how this amazing person could be talking to me right now. Curious to. I decide to ask.

"What about you? Why are you out here so late?"

"Well, in a matter of fact, my team is celebrating our recent win at this place. It was quite crowded and loud, so I decided I would head out. It seemed to me everyone was having a good time." I look at Hinata and I can see a bright sparkle in his eye.

"Must be pretty nice, right? I mean you get to be playing volleyball and you got Atsumu and Sakusa for company. You're a pretty good team. I mean, I bet you could be the top team in Japan." I laugh softly.

"Well yea, of course they are amazing company! They are so amazing at what they do! But that's not really it, you see, I always feel a bit lonely after volleyball, likes there something missing."

I always feel that to once I come home from my shop. This loneliness I always feel even if I hook up with someone. I decide not to tell him, that I feel like this to.

"I see where you're coming from."

"You're a really understanding guy, you know? You know what, why don't you come with me and we can celebrate together. I mean, it's no fun not seeing anyone new."

I shrug,"Sure."

"Finally, a new friend! Now come on"

He grabs my hand and then starts to pull me away. I can feel heat rising up to my cheeks.

A few minutes later

"We're here!" He happily announces.

I gaze around at the place and I notice we are at a pub. I see people playing pool, laughing while drinking and people playing darts. He leads me over to a booth where I see a few guys waiting around.

"Hey guys! This is my new friend Osamu! I can feel hard stares at me, but I continue to look down. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Hinata Shoyou!" I start to shiver as the stares intensify.
"Let me introduce my friends, here is Sakusa", he points at a boy with curly black hair,"Bakuto," then pointing at a grey haired dude," and Atsumu", pointing at a blond boy.

"Hey Hey Hey!! Watcha doing my man? How did you come across our brilliant friend here?" I can feel an intense gazes on me intensify.


"Since all of you guys have introduced now, i'll be off to talk with my friend. Hope you guys don't mind." I suddenly feel the intense gaze shatter and look at Hinata, who has a wide smile on his lips. I look up at the three and I can see small smiles on their faces and pink cheeks.

Before I can finish saying something, Hinata is leading us away. I suddenly look back and can see the three intensly gazing at me again, muttering with each other. I look at Atsumu and I can see a hint of anger in his eyes.

We finally find a booth and take a seat. A waitress finally comes over and she takes our orders.

I'm really starting to wonder how we came across. I glance back at the three that we left, in case they are still shooting daggers. I regret doing so immediately. I curious as to why those three are so hostile to me, but not Hinata.

"So, Osamu-san, I would really like to get to know you better. Since we both become friends, we must get to know about each other more!"

I reluctantly nod, and he starts asking questions. Of course, there are questions like, what job you got, hobbies, bestest-friends and so much more. After talking for about 10 mins, our food arrives.

"Thanks" I say to the waitress. She reply's with no problem and then leaves.

We start to eat our food in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, but more pleasant. I'm starting to think up an conversation when I hear Hinata speak.

"Osamu-san, are you ok? You were spacing out on me there."

"I'm fine, just thinking about stuff, the normal stuff."

"You can't leave me hanging out here, you know you can always talk to me about stuff!"

I sigh, not wanting to talk about it. "Maybe another time, if looks could kill, I sure would be dead right now."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" He then looks around and the daggers shattered instantly. He lands on his friends who have small smiles on there lips, but there was no denying the lingering affect of anger. The oblivious Hinata waves to the three and returns his gaze to me.

"You know, if you don't want to talk about it now, why don't we talk about it later? I'll give you my phone number so we can make up a time and place to meet!"

I sigh, wondering if this is a good idea, but reluctantly accept. "Well, heres my phone number;XXXX XXX XXXX."

"Thanks a lot Osamu-san! I'll text you later, okay?" I give a small smile and nod in respone and I can see a bright smile on his face.

"Now then, best be going Osamu-sun, don't want the others to be getting worried about me." I see him call the waitress and pay the bill. He says his forbids to me and I can see him skip over to his friends with a small bright aura around him. 

I sigh, thinking of how lucky and unlucky I was today. Seeing that sunshine actually gave me hopes that I might be lucky, but really, it all shattered when I saw my twin, Atsumu.

After what felt hours, I finally rose from my sitting spot and left the pub. Deep in thought.

At Osamu's apartment

I open up my door and close my door. I finally got home and now all I can think of is Hinata's smile. How his eyes lit up when I accepted to come with him and giving him my number. I walk to my bed and fall ontop of it, giving out a small groan.

After a few minutes I finally fall asleep, knowing that before I feel unconscious, I was thinking about Hinata.


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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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