Chapter 1(moment of truth)

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"Do you really know what the word different means,

  To have you parents tell you, "if a policeman stops you for no reason,do what he says,if you can't make out what he is saying,don't go closer to ask him,don't pull out  your phone to call us,don't reach for your ID,
Even if he yells at you and pulls out a gun,you get scared,don't run.
  Just put your hands in the air,we know this ain't right but we just want you to be home alive".

Should I hate myself for being born,
Should I be scared to love and choose a spouse,
Should I be scared to birth a child,cause every time those legs open up and I see his face,
The thought of reality engulfs me,
The fear of losing him,makes it harder to sleep at night.

   "Anna Murray Douglas was married to Frederick Douglas for 44 year,they bore children together,she created the Underground Railroad headquarters but all you hear about is the white lady he married later on.And this was because people judged her for not being good enough for their darling Douglas because she was darker skinned,
Why are we being pushed on the sidelines?

"It didn't start with us,
Do you think
500 years of slavery,
100 years of Jim Crow laws,
75 years of miseducation and abuse,
50 years of public lynching,and countless hours of media propaganda.
Didn't have an effect on the black community?
"Off course it did,

Why is Black Death so popular?
Why is the rate of black men deaths higher than white men of the same age?
Why do we only rap about us killing each other? why can't we rap about killing white men...

"We were never meant to be savage or thugs,that mentality was taught by white men who despised your masculinity.

    "You are good by nature,strong,merciful,feared and admired all over the world,there is deep power within...
Do not take on the identity of a beast to just deny your identity as a god.

A short story...

"It's not white vs black"
"It's everything vs racist" says a young girl about 5foot tall in an orange jumpsuit,worn by prisoners..
In her moment of silence,she realized that she had been asked another question..

"Excuse me" She exclaimed.

"Did you enjoy it? Mr Anderson's lawyer questions.
At that point,all she could feel were several arrows piercing through her skin,she could feel her tears drop as she tried to brace herself from falling.

What have I done?
How did I get to this point of being dehumanized by the same people who I thought knew me...
So many thoughts clouded her as she tried to respond to the question..

     "When ota Benga was forced to commit suicide" Were the people that led him to his death questioned...

"Who the fuck is that" A man asked.
  She turned and realized that he was black,

She scoffed;
"Most times they've never been the cause of our problems"she replied.

  Turning back,her memories jogs  back to how it all began... 
She remembers how her life was before all this started,how she would have been treated differently if she was born different and she said...

"When your black, you need to imagine anything".

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