With Ray

Ray was in the SWAG classroom organizing stuff to see if he could get with hot moms when Bose came in. He was confused. "Um, Bose? aren't you suppose to be at the party?" Ray asked. "Yeah! i got the chips, then i ate them, so i had to go buy more, and i came back here because i forgot my hoodie earlier," Bose explained. "Okay just get your hoodie and leave," Ray swatted him away. Bose grabbed his hoodie. "I'll Chapa you said Hi," Bose smiled. "Chapa's playing laser tag," Ray informed. Now Bose was confused. He pulled out his phone. "I could have sworn this girl in Shawns Ig story was her," He showed Ray the picture.  Ray read the caption which Bose obviously didn't, "More bait for me" the caption said. Ray. was. FURIOUS! "Bose, GET IN THE CAR!" He shouted.

Back at the party

Mika was making convo with Miles and they ended up talking about Shawn. "Speaking of which where is Chapa?" Miles asked. "Oh i think she's upstairs with him," Mika said.  Miles nodded and then starting thinking. Oh. "OH, OH, OH,OH" He panicked a little. "What?" Mika rolled her eyes at his immaturity. "We NEED to go get her?" Miles warned. Now Mika was confused. "Why?!" Mika questioned. "I heard Shawn talking with his friends and he was going to try to get a kiss out some desperate girl tonight!" Miles explained. Mika was shocked. Why would he do that?! "WHY ARE WE STILL HERE?! LET'S GO", Mika said as they stumbled through the crowd.

 The front door slammed open with a very angry Ray and a very traumatized looking Bose. He was in the car with Ray going 40 at a 30! Everyone stopped. "Parties over," Ray declared. "Where's Chapa?" Ray questioned the twins. They both pointed toward the stairs. All the scared teens made way for the angry father. He slammed the door to a room open and there was Chapa kissing the boy he saw in the picture. 

"Ray?" Chapa spat. Rage brewed in Ray as he saw the scene. The boy had brown hair, fair skin, and who cared! He had his LIPS on his  DAUGHTER. "Wait your turn," The boy told him obviously not getting a good look at Ray. Wait for your turn? as if she was some kind of game! Now that did it. Chapa felt so embarrassed. "Get. the heck! off my daughter!"Ray yelled, walking up to Shawn. Ray only saw the boy, he couldn't hear Chapa pleading with him. 

Ray was about to activate beast mode as he grabbed Shawn by his shirt. Ray had almost forgotten that he was underaged. Bose, Mika, and Miles stumbled in at that time. Ray dropped the boy. "If you ever touch her again, it won't be pretty for you, and tell your little friends that too!" Ray growled.

"I hate you! you're the worst Dad ever", Chapa yelled. Oh, she wasn't in clear waters yet. Ray had some words he wanted to say to her too.

"We're going home," Ray stated, grabbing Chapa's arm and bringing her outside, he was actually surprised that Chapa didn't fight back.

Once they left Bose, Mika, Miles, and Shawn we're still in the same room. "What about you? you taken?" He tried to get with Mika until Bose and Miles protectively stood in front of her giving him the death glare causing him to back down.

With Chapa and Ray

Chapa didn't show her true emotions until they got in the car. She tried to fight the tears but failed. As Ray drove he looked over to see a tear fall from her face and it broke his heart. But he couldn't go back. "You wanna be easy, huh Chapa," Ray asked. Chapa didn't answer but kept looking out of her window wiping tears. " You like being called that? Easy Chapa the 14 year old, let me repeat that, the 14 year old!

"I get it, Ray," She chocked out.

"No, you don't. I thought i could trust you with these type of things, i guess i was wrong," Ray said disappointed.

"I'm sorry! okay. i was wrong, this is all my fault! IT IS ALWAYS ALL MY FAULT" Chapa's voice cracked as she cried in front of her father. Ray kept quite and pulled over. "Just forget okay! ITS STUPID," Chapa claimed.

Ray took a deep breath. He failed, he promised himself that once he had Chapa she would never shed another tear again. He got flashbacks from the horrific night. "Look, Chapa, I'm sorry, i didn't mean to yell. I'm just trying to understand," Ray explained. Chapa sighed. "It's fine if you don't want to be my Dad anymore, I'm used to it by now," She swallowed a lump in here throats as awaited for the words that always came right after. But they didn't.

"Chapa, don't EVER say that. I love you and there is nothing in this world that you can do that will ever make me stop caring about you. I'm just worried that i am not raising you the way i should! i have trouble sleeping at night because i worry about you more than a parent should and i have ever right too," Ray claimed. He couldn't help but break down himself. Chapa remembered what she had once said to him, 'You're not my father'.

Ray really did care for her and she was being ungrateful. "What i said about you not being my father...," Chapa trailed off.

"I know I'm not your father," Ray said trying not to push her into anything. Those words broke Chapa even more.

"Your right, your not my father, your just the person who is providing for me, who sat beside my bed at night until i fell asleep because i was afraid, tried to help me heal, taught me how to control my feelings, your just the person who gave me a home when no one else was willing too... Sounds a lot like a father to me," Chapa spoke from the heart. Chapa hated to see him this upset. Ray cried and so did she as she adjusted herself to be able to give her  Dad a hug. They pulled apart and Chapa looked him dead in the eye. 

"I love you," She said and this time it wasn't a quick 'love you' but it was the first true I love you he's gotten. He kissed her forehead. "I love you more, way, way more,"He petted her short hair. 

After finally opening up to each other the rest of the ride was a comfortable silence. Chapa put her window down and took a deep breath for the first time in years, she could breathe.

DF: My Danger Force Daydreamsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن