I snuck in through the garden gate every night that summer just to seal my fate

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June 2014

"You still with me?" Karlie asks, tone amused even though her breathing is also shallow.

"Mhm-hm," Taylor hums with a nod, trying to catch her breath. She had flown back from the last show of the RED tour in Singapore and gone straight to Karlie's apartment as soon as she landed and they haven't managed to leave Karlie's bedroom since.

Karlie drags her hand down Taylor's back and can't help but smile when the blonde twitches, skin still overly sensitive.

"We should get up soon," Karlie murmurs and with a reluctant groan, Taylor squirms away and onto her back.

"Why do we have to get up again?" Taylor asks.

Karlie sits up and swings her legs over the side of the bed and Taylor lifts her shaky fingers to ghost along Karlie's back.

She twists to shoot Taylor a smile over her shoulder before lifting her arms and stretching her back, smile twisting smugly when she hears Taylor's muffled whimper.

"I believe I was promised dinner," Karlie says, turning back and crawling over the mattress to straddle Taylor's legs over the sheets, the blonde's hands falling to her thighs. "I'm a lady."

Taylor snorts softly, eyebrow arching in challenge as her gaze slowly rakes down Karlie's naked torso and back up to meet her eyes.

"Since when?" Taylor throws back and Karlie's mouth drops open in fake outrage.

"Since right now," she says reluctantly, crossing her arms.

"I can't get up and make you dinner if you don't get off."

"I already got off," Karlie replies immediately, put on expression melting away to make way for a lopsided grin and Taylor laughs before she can stop herself, shakes her head and drops her head back onto her pillow to stare up at the ceiling.

She sighs in exasperation, the movement causing her chest to rise and fall and Karlie's unable to stop her fingers from trailing up Taylor's stomach.

Taylor squirms at the touch, a flush slowly spreading across her chest as she tries to bat Karlie's hand away.

"I thought you wanted dinner?" Taylor asks.

"I do," Karlie says but doesn't stop her palms from smoothing along Taylor's skin, with enough pressure to elicit a soft sigh but not so much to start them down a path that will make them delay their meal. "Okay," Karlie says with a decisive nod, using her hold on Taylor to lean forward and kiss her softly. "Let's go."

Taylor watches as Karlie pulls away and swings her leg back over Taylor's body to get off the bed in a smooth move, uncaring about the state of her nudity as she runs a hand through her hair to try and tame it.

"Taylor, c'mon," Karlie teases and Taylor takes one last time to drop her head to her pillow with a small groan before swinging her legs over the side of the bed and following Karlie downstairs.

"What are we making?" Karlie asks, pulling Taylor into the kitchen by their joined hands.

"Lasagna?" Taylor asks pulling open the fridge to survey the ingredients and Karlie can't help but gasp, her head snapping to Taylor.

"Your world famous lasagna?" Karlie asks excitedly.

"It's hardly world famous," Taylor says with a soft laugh and an eye roll.

"It's so good," Karlie says, eyes closing and moaning softly. "I haven't had it in ages."

Taylor ducks her head to hide her smile as Karlie steps up behind her and wraps her arms around her middle, pressing a flurry of kisses against her neck.

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