Chapter Two

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Severus bolted upright in bed, chest heaving, shocked at what he just witnessed. He took a few seconds to orient himself, but one thought was pounding through his head. Harry, Harry, Harry.

Severus quickly got out of bed and changed from his pajamas to his robes. He walked out of his bedroom and into the living area of his quarters. He opened his potions cabinet and quickly filled his pockets with the potions he might need. Severus grabbed a coat off the hook, donned it and then grabbed a cloak, throwing it around his shoulders and fastening it. Then he grabbed a second, thicker cloak and cast a water-repellant charm on it.

Oddly enough, Snape's overly-suspicious mind hadn't yet caught up with his actions. Ordinarily he would have analyzed the situation before the though to act upon anything would even occur to him. However, he wasn't overly concerned with the possibility that the whole thing could a trap set for him by the Dark Lord to test his loyalty, nor had he considered the fact that Potter was far from mediocre at Occlumency, meaning there was an extremely low possibility that the boy could be accomplished enough at Legilimency to get through Severus's own mental wards, which were, by necessity, strong enough to keep both Dumbledore and the Dark Lord from entering his mind.

No, the only thing that Severus Snape's mind was concerned about right now is that somewhere in a Surrey, a boy needed him. And he was going, come hell or high water.

Shrinking the spare cloak and tucking it in his pocket, Severus quickly left his quarters and strode purposely through the castle. He Apparated as soon as he was outside Hogwarts wards.

~ * ~

When the world steadied itself around him again, Severus found himself standing on the corner of a rainswept Muggle street in Little Whinging, Surrey. No one was out in this weather and a couple street lamps were out, leaving much of the street in a deep darkness that was only broken by the occasional light coming through a window of the small, cookie-cutter houses.

Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled as Severus crossed the street and approached Number 4 Privet Drive, as if warning the occupants that another, more terrible storm was on its way.

Severus knocked on the door. He heard footsteps approach the door and it was quickly yanked open. He found himself staring into the face Petunia Dursley, dressed in a pink dressing gown with her hair in curlers on top of her head.

"You!" she shrieked. "What do you think you're doing here, Snape?"

Severus smirked. "I've come a long way. Aren't you going to invite me in, Tuney?"

Petunia's face immediately turned an interesting shade of purple as Severus shouldered his way past her and into the house.

"Who's at the door, Petunia?" a voice asked from the living room. "Don't they know it's too late to come calling?"

Lumbering footsteps approached and Severus was treated to the sight of Vernon Dursley in all his drunken glory. His blotchy red cheeks complimented the hideous red sweater he was wearing quite nicely, no doubt caused by the empty bottle of brandy clenched in his fat, meaty fist.

Vernon Dursley's face turned even redder and blotchier when he saw his unexpected guest standing in the foyer with his wife. "Get out of my house! Freaks like you aren't welcome here!"

Severus levelled his gaze at the man. "Where's the boy?"

"You, sir, are trespassing on private property! I'll have you arrested for this, you – you – miscreant!" Dursley's face went from splotchy and red to the same shade of purple as Petunia's, the color of a ripe plum. In fact, Dursley's face had similar proportions as a plum. An exceptionally large, unappetizing plum, but a plum none-the-less.

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