Instead of laughing, Yejin sobbed, "Don't you think I know that? I'm 38 and single! The only single one in this group."

"Ya, I'm still single too." Bin said, and Yejin once again wrapped herself in his arms and leaned in his shoulder.

"Oh. Yes. My Ahjussi is still single too."

"Ahjumma, don't be sad." Bin said in his attempt to make her smile.

Yejin raised her hand to call the attention of the waiter for another bottle of Soju. Ji-Sub said, "Ahjumma Yejin, just playing the devil's advocate here-  have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, you're the problem?"

Yejin smirked. "Hey, Ji-Sub! I'm beautiful! I'm intelligent! I'm kind! I'm freaking 34, 24, 35! Why am I still single at 38? What is there to look for?"

"Maybe you were the one who was looking for something else in your past boyfriends?"  Hyo-Jin said, dropping truth bombs.

Yejin heaved a sigh, as much as she agreed to what she said, it was better for her to act clueless in this situation, "what do you mean?"

"Maybe you were expecting them to be someone they're not." Hyo Jin looked at Yejin, then turned her gaze at the man beside her, giving her friend a clue.

Yejin just gave a small smile and shut her eyes, knowing damn well what she's talking about.

Everyone was silent, as all of them felt tipsiness because of binge-drinking.

A drunk Yoon-Ah said to Bin and Yejin, "Oh! Didn't you guys have an agreement? That the both of you will just get married when you're still single at 40?"

Yejin and Bin looked at each other and laughed, remembering that drunken moment 10 years ago when they made the agreement. Yejin joked, "We still have 2 years left."

"Why wait? Just get married already." A drunk Hyo-Jin said, reaching out to where she is seated to push Yejin to Bin.

"You know what? She's right. Why don't we just get married?" Yejin said, looking at Bin for his response. He can see the redness in her flushed cheek and her mesmerizing eyes.

He just laughed and chugged down his shot, "You're kidding, right?"

"Of course not!" By now, everyone in the table was rowdy except for Bin who's obviously flustered by what the drunk Yejin just suggested.

He gulped another shot of soju.

Bin was getting tipsier by the minute, and their friends' drunken cheers weren't helping his line of thought.

The soju gave him a confidence boost and decided to play along. Besides, he's sure that this is just playful banter with him and Yejin.

"Are you sure you don't want to wait until you're 40, Ahjumma Yejin?" Bin bit his lip to stifle his laugh, "What if someone comes along and you're already married to me? As far as I can remember our terms, we said we couldn't divorce."

Yejin turned to him as she was challenging him, "I remember that, Ahjussi. No divorce. That's fine with me." she continued, "..and no, nothing will make me change my mind about you, future husband."

She even pouted her lips at him.

By now, Dong Wook had departed.

"..and I'll do the dishes on Monday Wednesday, Friday." Bin said, who no longer pays attention to anyone else but Yejin and their little reminiscing.

"Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday is my day." She said, now leaning on his shoulder, "On Sundays, we dine out."

Bin nodded, and his lips formed into a smile.

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