The meeting

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I was in my first year of high school and it was amazing. The school I went to went on a A- day B- day schedule, that's when you have classes 1-4 in one day and 5-8 another. On a particular day it was a A- day, which was always more enjoyable, and I was making my way towards the cafeteria for lunch. I had just got out of my art class and with a temper from getting into a argument with a boy named Shemar. That alone had ruined my day. I got to lunch and the line was long so I decided to cut so I scanned the lunch line to see is a familiar face in which I would jump in line with. I luckily found a person. It was a old friend named Luis. I approached him with my hand opened. "Hey buddy! Where have you been!" He said. While shaking his hand I replied "You know... around." I talked to him so he wouldn't catch that I was just using him to grab a plate of food. "Hey you got to meet this girl I have in class" he said while turning to reveal this girl that made my mind go blank. Everything went quite and I walked up to her in the middle of Luis's sentence. She acknowledged me and turned and all of her just hitme.

She had a smiled that now looking back kinda gets me chocked up, her hair flowed with such a color and mixture of blonde and brown, and her eyes are what caught me. The clearest shade of brown that you can imagine. I stick my hand out and she follows. I shake her and hand and the words "Hi, my name is Josh" fell out of mouth barely making it pass my teeth. She smiled and said " I'm Diane." Her voice was so sweet that I couldn't believe my own ears. She gave me this feeling that I've never had before especially from just meeting a girl. She grabbed her plate and I grabbed mine.

We both went our separate ways and that was the end of the moment but she stained my mind. I walked off with a tray full of nachos and sat with a group of friends. "Whatcha thinking about?" Said my friend Brandon. " Do you know a girl named Diane? " while stealing chip of mine he replies "never even heard of the name." I had zoned out while tell myself "What's wrong with me." This girl is all I can think about, I don't even know her!

"Diane, Diane, Diane" I repeated so I wouldn't screw the next time we met, I WILL be prepared for our next encounter Diane.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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