You Remember

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(Tyler's POV)

I decided I was going to let everyone go before me then I would come for my big entrance.

So I mind linked the pack and told them I would be making a departure and would be back in 10 minutes.

I then  mind link the twins to help me buy some supplies for my entrance and pranking.

When we got to the supplies store we bought most of the pranking section so the man had to have one of his delivery men bring the supplie by at a later time and deliver it.

I then told the twins the plan and they agreed and called me "crazy".

I mean I'm sorry they made me this way we are called the crazy quadruplets including Juliet.

(Jackson's POV)

We went up to the door to see the Alpha I assume who rejected my mate and her brother the beta.

The third in command was killed so they haven't filled the postion that's part of the reason they are weak.

I then saw someone I thought I would never see again my ex-mate Amy.

I don't really have any feelings towards her she really didn't affect me but she looked like a prostitute on the corner I couldn't help but smirk.

I really had the better mate I can't believe they got together that kinda made me mad he rejected my mate and mated with her.

It was time to introduce the packs so he was talking about his pack I really didn't care for.

"Hello my name is Alpha Stephan this is, The Red Demon Pack here is my beta Jimmy white and My third in command was killed so we haven't filled the position."

He stuck his hand out to shake but it looked like it was infested so I just ignored it and introduced my pack.

"My name is Alpha Jackson, my pack name is The Royal Blood Pack, my betas are with the third in command and Luna right now but they will be here shortly and the rest are my best fighters"

(Stephan's POV)

This is awkward first I put my hand out and he won't shake it and his pack glaring us down and why do you need 2 betas like no.

That's when I saw 2 Lamborghini's pull up and a motercycle coming at full speed with the song jealous by nick Jonas.

It swerved and did a couple tricks.

Her bike and body  were currently on fire but it didn't faze her.

It was kinda a scary scence to see I wonder who this badass is I'm kinda scared and I'm an Alpha.

She then rode her motercycle straight towards me and  swerved again  spreading  mud all over me while everyone laughed.

she then laughed as everyone else did.

Usually I would be beyond angry but her laugh was music to my ears and made me crack a  smile.

When I saw her body it was perfect everything about her was it was like she was perfectly designed.

When I saw my pack guys and some "girls"  giving her lustful stares I lost it and growled.

I could tell she smirking through her helmet.

She then got off her bike and took her helment off.

It was Luke a movie scene when she shook her hair out.

I then looked at her closely and then realized who it was.


"You remember"

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