that faithful day

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Since Loki's death, you had gotten closer with Thor, Sif and the warrors three. They help you with the grief of losing Loki. You werent over it, but it was getting better day by day. About a year went by and thing were better until one day Thor unexpectedly departs. Rumor had started the day Thor left. People had been saying he left to protect Midgard from Loki's madness. But that couldn't be, because Loki was dead. Thor had told you what happened. This must be a terrible jest you thought at first but days had gone by and Thor hadn't returned. Something was surely wrong. You were beginning to worry about Thor. But your mind quickly shifts to Loki. 'Could Loki still be alive?' Your mind starts to race. 'Loki wouldn't do that to me. He wouldn't leave me to mourn like the rest of them. He would have taken me with him, he would have found a way' you think, reassuring yourself. There's a knock at your chamber door. Sif enters with an unrecognizable look on her face.
"What is it Sif?" you ask.
"Thor has returned, Loki is with him." she says putting her head down. Sif knew how much that statement would hurt you. "But...I..I..don't understand." you say braking down into tears. You felt betrayed, but happy that Loki was alive. Sif pulls you into an embrace. "We must go to the throne room" she says as she brakes the embrace.
"I don't know if I can see him right now" you say, wiping the tears from your eyes.
"I will be here to support you. You are like a little sister to me" says Sif putting her arm around you. You smile at her and the both of you made your way to the throne room. You hadn't been in the throne room since Loki was King.
As you walked you asked Sif what she knows about what Loki was doing on Midgard. She told you the terrible stories that were being told. How he terrorized the poor people of Midgard. You started to feel the anger rise inside of you the closer you got to the throne room. How could he abandon you to go kill and ravage other realms. That was not the man you knew and loved. The crowds moved aside as you and Sif descended the throne room steps. People whispered and stared as you passed but you paid them no mind. When you were about a foot away from him everyone got silent and they all stared at you. Loki and Thor turn around. Your eyes meet Loki's and his eyes widen, as though he'd forgotten all about you. He had some contraption over his mouth but his eyes said all that his mouth couldn't....

Loki/Thor (Loki's return)Where stories live. Discover now