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It was two weeks after the Battle of Endor that Leia's husband, Han and his co-pilot, Chewbacca, travelled to Kashyyyk to liberate the planet from the Empire. Though Leia tried to support her husband and friends in their endeavours to free the Wookies and Rebel prisoners, whereas the New Republic was too preoccupied in liberating other worlds. Soon, the New Republic would close the Galactic Civil War as a full frontal assault would demolish Imperial Star Destroyers hovering over Kashyyyk until Imperial rule would end its tyranny on Kashyyyk. 

Upon his reunion with his wife, Erda and Leia reaffirmed their love for each other as they both shared a tender kiss before she would tell him that she would take up training with her brother during her break from the Galactic Senate. While Erda believed that becoming a Jedi was a bit far-fetched for someone who wanted nothing more than to do more than sit back and watch people fight for the people. Though she would cherish her time spend with her brother, it would lead her family down a dark path if she chose to stay on her path of becoming a Jedi. 

Several months later... 

With the Empire's annihilation drawing nearer, one of the biggest fleets in the Republic jumped out of hyperspace to finish off the Empire over the desert world of Jakku. An Imperial Dreadnought hovered in the middle of nearly thirty Star Destroyers as the Republic Fleet slowly advanced on the Imperial Fleet which failed to realise that Jakku's orbit pulled the Imperial Fleet towards the planet. With a risky move, the engines of the super Star Destroyer were destroyed, leaving the ship dead in the sky. The remaining Star Destroyers were quickly overwhelmed with a lack of central command that resulted with its destruction. 

With one last Star Destroyer hovering over Jakku's wasteland that was filled with ship scraps and remains, a ground assault was committed while the Republic's leaders watching the assault closely. At war's end, the New Republic could live in peace, knowing that the Empire was bested. On the day the Empire surrendered to the New Republic, it was there that Leia fell into labour to commence strain for her unborn child to enter the galaxy. Close friends of the Mehur family were invited, though it was unclear as to whether Luke's had been confirmed; rumours being spread that his presence was conspicuous while others conversed about the children's birth. 

"They're beautiful," said Leia admirably at the twins that she held in her arms. 

"He has your eyes." Erda spoke weepily. 

Leia observed her daughter's features and looked at her husband. "And she has your hair." 

"Most adorable, they are. Proud, I am." 

Erda leaned over and kissed his wife on the top of her head and took his daughter into his arms and shushed the crying newborn. A medical droid approached to distribute the birth certificates with the names on both: 'Jaina Mehur' and 'Jacen Mehur'. In another year's time, it would soon soon be confirmed that life would spring in Leia's womb once more while her two children would grow up under her brother's teachings as Jedi Master to teach a new generation of Jedi. 

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