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For the first time in 8 years, Rose crossed through the brick column to Platform Nine and Three Quarters.

It was fairly empty given that the clock had just rang eight o'clock, but the auror knew it would soon be filled with families and students saying their last goodbyes before the new term began. A scarlet train sat silently on the tracks, awaiting its departure from the station. Rose walked towards it, drawing her wand.

"Specialis Revelio Totalum," she began at the first entryway. She walked through every entrance of the train, casting spell on any way inside. The windows, the luggage cart, the train conductor, the workers on the train, the trolley lady were all cast with the spell. Anybody Rose could find on the train was subject to the charm. 

Walking through the train, she opened each of the compartments, checking every nook and cranny for Black. When she got to the furthest compartment inside, she placed her luggage inside before locking it. It was the smallest compartment so she figured it wouldn't be too selfish to keep it for herself. The ruby red seats shined brightly and Rose came to the conclusion that the Hogwarts express was the cleanest train she had ever been on. 

Rose got off the train at ten am sharp, figuring that she had done enough inspecting. She could just watch everyone get on the train for now. 

Soon enough, the station began filling with students and their families. She watched silently as the large groups of people dispersed throughout the station. A tall man walked towards the train causing Rose's harsh gaze to fall on him suspiciously. Any suspicions she had were relieved as he entered the train and experienced no changes in his appearance. He must be a professor, since he didn't nearly fit the description of Sirius Black she concluded in her head.

Hearing the first whistle for the train ring, Rose decided it was time for her to board the train. She entered the train at the last moment, watching all the bustling of students as they struggled to find compartments. The train began to move and nostalgia rushed through the auror as she took in the chaos of finding friends in a compartment. A few eyes fell on Rose as she made her way to the very back of the train back to her compartment. 

It was an amazing feeling to be going back to Hogwarts. Even though she was going back for auror business, Rose hadn't been back to Hogwarts in the longest time. The closest she had ever gotten to it was going to Hogsmeade to investigate a burglary. She looked out the window, wanting to enjoy the time she had on the train and maybe catch some shut eye. There was nothing to do at this point and she had woken up too early for comfort. It wouldn't hurt she thought, letting her mind fade to darkness.

Rose was jolted awake, as the train came to an unprecedented stop in the middle of a bridge. She stood up bleary and concerned. It was impossible for the train to have made it to Hogwarts already, unless the conductor stopped the train. She threw open her compartment door and stormed through the train, shutting each compartment and locking them tightly as she moved forwards. 

The train began to freeze over and Rose walked faster, closing more compartments until she saw it.

A dementor was leaning into a carriage. It was very clearly sucking the emotions out of a student. Rage filled Rose as she ran forwards. Before she could do anything, however, a bright light shone from the compartment. "Expecto Patronum!" Rose yelled as the dementor leaned away from the compartment. With a powerful boom, a patronus of a bunny emerged from the woman's wand and chased the dementor out of the train. She watched it leave with satisfaction.

"Is everybody alright in here?" Rose asked, worriedly as she kneeled in front of a boy who seemed like he just woke up from passing out. 

"Harry just passed out because of that dementor," a bushy haired girl informed the auror angrily, "Why did they release dementors on the train if there's an auror on board?"

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