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First there was warmth and darkness. A feeling of floating and drowsiness. Falling in and out of consciousness with a swaying that mimicked the sea surrounding my body. Then after what seemed like an eternity a change occurred, a jarring pressure and pull had awakened me.

The pain of being what felt like twisted and squeezed surrounded my body. It seemed like it lasted forever. I had long forgotten how many times I wished for death during this ordeal. When relief finally came there was screaming, and a chorus of doctors congratulating a young couple for the birth of a healthy baby boy.

The memories of my past life didn't come crashing in like a train off the rails, but it was a subtle transition. Starting with me mentally correcting other people's wording, and mentally contributing to my parent's conversations.

Next, I would be in the middle of doing something or watching the tv, and then I would remember something. It's like one minute it wasn't there and the next it's like 'oh, yeah that happened'. Bits and pieces would resurface and some would fade. I don't remember who I was nor what I did for a living, but it appears that I retained the general knowledge from my past life.

I don't know for certain, but I believe I was girl in that other life. In a store when me and my mother would do some clothes shopping, I've always gravitated towards the female clothes. I once throw a tantrum over a pair of pink button clip shoes. I had even surprised myself that day. Other than that, I was a very quiet child.

At the age of two my mother had gotten pregnant again. They would give me glances and speak in hushed voices around me. One night I stood outside their door and listened in. My mom was asking about me, and my father reassuring her that I was well asleep.

They started talking about their worries concerning the baby to be, 'will this child turn out the same way', 'What if's' and stuff like that. It was truly a very depressing moment for me. I know that I wasn't behaving like a normal child, but I didn't think I was that bad.

What I did next was probably one of the darkest moments of my current life. I grabbed a big purse of my mother's, emptied its contents, packed some essentials (food, water, clothes, and some money), and left.

Locking the door on the way out. I didn't want to bother them anymore then I already have. That night, I spent a night in a park contemplating my future or lack of. The next day I was picked up by the police, scolded by my parents, and grounded. When I told them why I did it my mother reassured me that they love me and that I'm very important to them.

Take it that I, a two-year-old, run away. My parents decided that it was time to take me to a child psychologist.

Where I was diagnosed with depression, and was also diagnosed as gifted, but to get 'verified' I had to go to a professional who specializes in recognized gifted children. My parents were very proud of me, but I couldn't help feeling even more empty and became even more reclusive. Setting off even more worry from my parents.

That worry didn't last long as within seven small months my mother gave birth. The baby lite something in me, a desire to protect and coddle him. Swaddled in my mother's arms I called out 'Aaron', and was greeted with a new memory. In this memory I was laying in the hospital bed holding a baby with a man by my side.

As I called out the baby's name from my memory I did so in real life as well. I had a break down in the hospital room next to my mother and father. I don't remember much of that day after that, but I do remember welcoming baby Aaron home for the very first time.

From three to eight, I had become very social, talkative, and more active than before. I strived to be the best older brother a could be. I started studying, reading more, and playing more. My parents were enthusiastic about this change in my behavior and took it as a sigh of improving.

My brother proved to be just as, if not more intelligent than me. He picked up things faster than others at his age and was a genuine genius. I studied even harder just so I could teach him more and more. His brain is was a sponge for knowledge.

At the age of nine everything changed. My world came crashing on my head, as our parent's anniversary date ran a little later then usually.

9pm, my brother sat by watching TV and while I chatted up our teenage babysitter.

10pm, I started watching the clock and staying in sight with the door. My brother was eating a concoction of ice cream, gummies, honey, and soda. The baby sitter keep walking impatiently from the living room to the kitchen.

11pm, the babysitter and me put Aaron to bed, I paid her and she left. I set up a chair a few feet from the front door and watched it.

12pm, I was reading a dictionary. No signs of my parents.

1am, I was quizzing myself using the dictionary, and checking all the windows and doors.

2am, the worry started to eat at me. Taking a map and looking at the distance between the restaurant and the house, it was about 30 minutes away. Our fathers friend lives five minutes away from the restaurant. So, they may have had a little too much to drink and decided to stay with dads' friend.

3am, I had woken up to Aaron placing a blanked on me. I pretended to still be asleep as I listen to his footsteps go upstairs and a door close. When I opened my eyes all the notes, I took quizzing myself with the dictionary was gone. I searched downstairs, but couldn't find it.

4am, two police officers show up at our door. Wearing sad expressions, and wouldn't met my eyes.

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