The Mission

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I suck at writing accents. Also, I'm giving Mozzie his shoty back because he deserves it.

Jäger shifted in his position next to Glaz. He tried to make little noise, as not to distract the sniper.

The two were waiting for Mozzie to come pick them up, but they were surrounded by white masks. The mission had been to extract an unidentifiable crystal.

Suddenly, Jäger's comms cracked to life. "Come in, come in Jäger, Glaz, I need ya locations."

Jäger pressed the button to answer. "We are in zhe building across from zhe bank."

Jäger then heard a motorcycle engine approach them, and Galz groaned. "Of all the quiet vehicles he could have picked, he chose that one."

Jäger shrugged, and saw Mozzie pull up, his super shorty drawn, ready to cover for Glaz and Jäger as they hopped on the back. Once Jäger had his hands wrapped around Mozzie's waist, the Australian drove off at full speed, leaving a surprised white mask that had just entered the room Jäger and Glaz had escaped from.

An alarm sounded, making Glaz silently glare at the short Australian driver, but Mozzie smiled, excited for a challenge. Gunfire opened up upon the team of three, but Mozzie skillfully dodged it all.

"Oi, you guys got what ya came for?" Mozzie called over the sound of bullets flying. Glaz shook his head. "It's on the first floor, guarded."

Mozzie smirked, drifting the motorcycle to where it was facing the objective building, then went full speed ahead, aiming for the glass doors. Glaz and Jäger looked on in horror, but Mozzie plowed through the glass doors, and was still not stopping.

The Australian spotted the objective and drove by it, grabbing it as he did. He tossed the gem to Jäger, who put it in a pouch as Mozzie turned sharply.

But something was different. Instead of a building, there were fields with small hills. Mozzie didn't stop, but instead drove right in between two hills.

Over the right hill, men in red coats fired at them. Glaz saw a bullet hit Mozzie's vest, but the Australian daredevil said nothing. Instead, Mozzie sped up, sliding the motorcycle to duck the bullets, causing them to go over the left hill.

     Glaz and Jäger fell off, leaving Mozzie still on the motorcycle to stand it up. When the Australian righted the motorcycle, he saw a man staring at him. The man wore a blue coat, and stood at about about 6'2".

     The man pointed a musket at Mozzie, and Jäger acted quickly, drawing his gun and aiming it at the taller man's head.

     "Jou best point zat gun avay from Mozzie," Jäger said, cocking the gun. Glaz just studied the taller man's gun, before standing and patting Jäger's back and staring at the taller man. "It's okay comrade, we're just borrowing ziz cover for a moment."

    The man pointed his gun at Jäger, then Glaz. "You are German, and the other is Russian. Where does the one on the strange iron horse come from?"

"The moon," Mozzie said sarcastically. This earned him a smile from the taller man, before he lowered his rifle slowly.

Jäger lowered his gun too, then the man stretched out his hand. "You are friendlies, you only pulled your gun on me because your freind was in danger."

Mozzie hopped off of his bike, standing at his full 5'4" height. Glaz, not missing an opportunity, smirked and said, "eh, he's short enough that you where probably aiming over his head."

Mozzie turned on him instantly, tackling the taller Russian to the ground and pinning him. "You wanna fucking you you fucking cunt? I outta fucking kill you where you fucking stand you bitch ass fucking cunt!"

Jäger picked Mozzie up, setting him aside and restraining him with one arm, while the other struck Glaz. "No fighting. We still have no idea how we got here or where we are. Mozzie, calm down and see if you can contact Six or Harry."

Mozzie nodded, then held a button on his radio. Jäger herd his click on as well. "This is Mozzie to all Rainbow Six, does anyone copy."

There was nothing but static. Jäger sighed. "Comms must be down. We can only radio each other."

The man was confused. "Six? Harry? Who are they? What's Rainbow Six?"

Mozzie turned to the man. "Oh uh, what's your name?"

The man stood tall. "George Washington," he said. Mozzie looked him up and down before turning to Glaz and Jäger. "We've fucked up big time mates."

Jäger tilted his head, but Glaz's eyes widened. "Mozzie, what have you done?"

"Look mates, it's not my fault! Six told us not to touch the artifact with our skin! I used my gloves, so it's your fault!"

"I have glove on too shorty!" Glaz yelled, holding up the hand he touched the artifact with. Mozzie took the hand and flipped it around, showing the sniper the small hole in the glove.

Glaz stared in disbelief, then looked to the side, embarrassed. Then, the two men felt hands on both their shoulders.

"You two should not fight in front of your freind. He seems to not like it," George scolded, looking over to Jäger.

Jäger was still, trying to process the information he had been given. Mozzie noticed his slight shake and pulled him into a hug. "Look mate, I'm sorry bout all that. We're all just angry that we won't be back to the base for pizza night."

     Jäger snapped his head up. "Tonight vas pizza night?" Mozzie nodded, and Jäger then lunges at Glaz.

     "I vould've chozen Mozzie from zhe Ztart iv I had known it vas pizza night!"

     Mozzie chuckled, then ducked as they heard gunfire from behind. Mozzie peeked over the hill to see the redcoats advancing. "Okay guys, fights over, we gotta attack!"

    Mozzie cocked his super shorty and fired at a redcoat, killing him immediately with a headshot. Glaz crawled up the hill a bit and started picking them off one by one. Jäger helped out as well.

    After a few seconds of the more modern guns firing upon them, the redcoats started retreating. Glaz rolled back, and Mozzie plopped on top of him, causing the taller Russian to blush. He never realized how comfortable it was to have the shorter Australian lay on top of him.

Jäger pulled Mozzie up, checking him for injuries. The Australian groaned. "Feels like I was hit with an airsoft round in the chest."

Jäger checked Mozzie's chest, then grabbed a musket ball that was tangled in something. "No vorries, jou er lucky to have zuch a good veild medic."

They both laughed as George walked over to them. "Good fighting. Will we be seeing more of you mysterious three?"

Mozzie shrugged. "I think we'll be campin in that forest there tonight."

George nodded as Mozzie stood up, attempting to help the other two taller operators up as well. The three then walked over to the forest, where they set up camp as the sun went down.

Mozzie started stripping himself of his gear in front of the other two, causing Glaz to blush a little. Jäger blushed too, but his headgear hid that.

Once Mozzie had stripped himself down to just his shirt and pants. He put all of his gear in the corner of the makeshift tent they had set up, then plopped on top of Glaz, who had been laying down on the ground.

The Russian grunted, before Jäger laid beside the two. Mozzie rolled in between them instead, leaving a disappointing feeling in Glaz.

"Noight guys! Talk in the morning!" Mozzie said. In the next moment, small snores could be heard from the small Australian. Soon, Glaz was asleep as well.

A breeze blew by, causing Mozzie and Jäger to cuddle each other, and Jäger fell asleep with Mozzie in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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