Guess im going to hogwarts

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I smiled as a white owl flew in thru my window.

"Hello Hedwig. Harry doing well i trust." I smiled giving her some toast before taking the letter.


How are you? I'm OK i guess. We have a new DADA teacher. Lupin is amazing, best teacher ever. Malfoy is causing all kinds of trouble for Hagrid. Divination is terrible. Complete codswallop. I wish you would come visit! Shingles said you could come for Christmas. Well I'm sure you're tired of reading my ramble. Please come! Ginny says hi!,

Much love Mia.' 

I laughed while reading my sisters letter. As soon as a placed her letter down Fawkes' familiar form swooped thru the window and dropped a letter. 


Zaphara. It is my pleasure to invite you to Hogwarts for Christmas. Don't fret about your condition. I have a solution. Duo realize i won't take no for an answer,

Albus Dumbledore.' 

I giggled at the old mans letter. I grabbed a quill and wrote them back saying i was happy to come. Looks like i have packing to do

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