Fate is Decided

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There she was,in the Forgotten Hallow mansion,the place where her fate was decided. The place where she might reunite with her mother. Or the place where she might succeed and live. There were so many possiblilities to how her fate could be decided. She took a deep breath and continued walking,looking around and potentially taking her last breaths. She knew the weight of the whole world was resting on her own shoulders. Her own lanky shoulders. She thought about winning,but the thought of death couldn't escape her,but she knew if she died,she could reunite with her mother and her late family members. But no,she couldn't let that get to her head. She had to survive. She took another deep breath and walked forward,she already imagined being sent to the skies to live with her mother,with her aunt,grandparents,great-uncles and aunties...

''You alright,Raven?'' asked Cody,breaking the awkward silence.

''Yeah,I'm alright I suppose.'' she replied,pushing her long,ginger hair out of her face.

Sammy put his hand on her shoulder,''We're right behind you,Ray. Don't ever forget that.''

Raven smiled sadly and walked onwards,sighing again,''I just keep thinking about it..''

''About what?''

''About mom,and my loved ones..''

''It's alright,Raven,we all had the thought of that.'' Sammy assured her.

''And of him....'' she said.

''Him,who?'' asked Sammy suspiciously.

Realising what she said,Raven flushed pink and replied,''No one!''

Cody nudged them and interrupted,''We made it,right let's put the plan into action.''

Sammy got himself up to his fullest height and nodded,''Of course,we shall work out what we will do.''

Raven looked down at the floor and closed her eyes. Here it goes,she thought to herself. She remained in front of the two middle-aged (mainly Sammy since Cody didn't look a day over 40) men behind her. Returning her gaze to the front gates,Cody slipped in front of her and opened the door without any problems. ''Brilliant!'' she whispered.

While Sammy distracted the vampires (along with Braylen Franklin) and Nita went down into the basement to save the innocent humans,including Arya,Cody and Raven went upstairs,getting closer and closer towards Eve Spicer.

However,the person who they met wasn't who they expected. Raven's heart skipped a beat,''It can't be..''

But it was exactly who she knew it was. It was the person who has been there for her for so many years,the person who cared so much about her,the person who she knew would never betray her. He didn't join the dark side,that was impossible,that couldn't happen.

Keep your head,Raven,she thought to herself,don't let him distract you..But how couldn't she? Her head was spinning and she just longed to see a familiar face,she just longed to see someone kind,or someone who cared about her. She walked onwards,however Seo-Jun grabbed her arm and glared at her,an experission she never saw him pull unless in a conversation with Morgyn.

''Seo-Jun this isn't you! I know this isn't you! Wake up please!'' she shook him desperately,trying to get an answer from him,but he stayed silent and she broke down crying,''Please,wake up..This isn't you...''

When she looked over for Cody,she realised he look fried,almost like he was zipzapped. ''Continue,Raven,I can put up with him.''

''You can't,'' she replied,sobbing slightly,''You don't know him well enough..I just need to.....knock some sense into him..''

''Maybe you could kiss him?'' grinned Cody.

Raven gave him a dark look,''Of course not,even if that could've worked,how weirded out would he be?''

''You could at least try-''

''I see you're distracted be my minion,I see,'' Eve appeared,looking as menacing but as gorgeous as ever before. ''


''Yes you silly girl,'' Eve continued,''A minion! If I didn't conrol him,he would've definitely found a way to come back to you in some way. Plus,I know how much you care for him and how weak you are around him,so my plan worked.'' Raven could see a grin strech on her face.

It was too late,Eve disappeared out of sight and Raven felt a bolt of pain across her body,causing her to fall down.

''It's game on SJ!''

They dueled for what felt like hours on end,but neither of them gave up,and Raven didn't let him get to her head,so that was a start.

''ARGH!'' she later screamed in pain,but she picked herself up and continued,''A little hit on the shoulder won't kill me Seo-Jun.''

Next he aimed for her leg,the shot was just as painful as the last but that didn't let her down either,she knew that if he continued like that,he was wasting his time. Actually it was Eve who was wasting her time. Seo-Jun was just a minion....

After a few minutes,Seo-Jun lost his focus and her spells were stronger than his own,so he fell to the ground,breathing deeply.

''I'm sorry Seo-Jun,but this is what I have to do.'' Raven sighed,knowing that this will probably impact their relationship forever. Flames burst through his ashy clothes and through his hair,causing him to look terrified,before falling to the ground after just picking himself up.


She sighed,walking past his almost lifeless body,knowing that he might be alright...

Eve screamed in shock and anger,her face darkening and her pink eyes,brightening,shooting random spells at Raven which she immediately set them to backfire. Eve growled,her spells growing stronger and more aggressive until the point of Raven losing her focus,causing the spells to hit her.

Everything went blury,falling to the ground. She knew she failed,she knew she was going to die any second. Her life flashed before her very eyes and everything went black.

''Raven! Raven!''

Cody shook her,a worried look on his face,''Wake up! You're alive! You hear me! You're alive!''

Raven sprang to her feet,wand immediately in hand,''So? Did I miss anything?''

''Not in particular.'' Cody replied.

Eve looked over in horror,realising what she just witnessed,''You're a-alive! B-but how!''

Raven grimmaced,''Oh I don't know!''

Vivid sparks shot out of Eve's hands as she looked around in terror,knowing what her niece just did.


Raven sighed in relief and laughed,she couldn't even believe her luck. Cody also joined in the laughter,and later so did Sammy,all celebrating the fall of Eve Spicer,the witch who almost ruled the world. ''Time to celebrate!'' Sammy yelled enthusiastically.

''Wait a minute,Sam,'' Raven interrupted,''I need to see someone.''

He didn't argue and freed the way for her. She sighed and walked over to the area here Seo-Jun fainted.

Not there. Strange.

She searched around the mansion for him,finally finding him on a bench,breathing deeply and laughing. ''Seo-Jun?'' she said.

He didn't look at her and pretended he didn't hear her and he sighed,closing his eyes,putting his hands over his face.

''Please talk to me.'' she tried.

''Fine,I'll talk,'' Seo-Jun finally replied,''Go away.''


He rolled his eyes,''Why not?''

''You expect me to go,when I missed you so much?'' she asked laughing.

He couldn't help but laugh as well,''Fine,you win!''

They sat down next to one another,catching up joking around.

A Raven-Jun Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now