" Julian we need to talk"

" In private please" she said to her friend.

" Fine, I'll let y'all talk but baby girl will be with me so she can finish her food"

" Hell Nawl, ion know you like that" I said to her.

Just when she was about to say some Sierra stopped her.

" it's fine"

She stood outside barefoot closing her door.

" Listen I'm sorry, bout last night, I got carried aw-"

" Julian this is the second time, I'm not some baby sitter that you can just dump her off on. She is your responsibility more than anything"

" I know I know" I said with my head down.

I pulled out five hundred dollars to give to her.

" Here you go for taking care of her"

" I don't want your freaking money" she said as her face scrunched up.

" well what do you want me to do then"

" Take care of her"

I watched as Ki-Ki stared at me with a mug on her face.

Maybe it's cause the sun was coming out.

" I'm not good with this shit" I said shaking my head stepping back.

How I'm suppose to have kids when I can't even take care of her.

" For one thing you start by putting your priorities in check. You have a child in your care now . . ."

" She needs to come first before anything"

" You make that sound so easy"

" because you are so use to doing you, which is . . . what ever that is" She said shrugging her shoulders.

" but remember she is a priority"

" Right Ki-Ki" Sierra said touching her cheek making her giggle.

" by the way she needs to be finishing eating"

" are you hungry too ?"

Right on que my stomach growl.

" well I guess so then" she said shaking her head.

" Look I haven't ate since I woke up" I said slightly embarrass.

" I bet" she said as she open the door.

I walked in taking a seat.

" Si-Si I'm bout to leave, I'll stop by later"

" okay, text me"

" Definitely will, bye princess"

I watched as she quickly interact with her, before she shot me a glare.

" See ya later jack-ass"

" Yo how you friends with her" I said pointing to the door that she went out of.

" look she is just a concerned that's all" she said shrugging her shoulders.

" concerned my ass, she just seem bitter" I said.

" ok what you not finna do is talk about my sis" Sierra said coming to me with a full plate of grits,eggs, sausage patties, and waffles.

My mouth instantly water at the sight infront of me.

" Thank you" I said to her as she walked over to the mini table where Ki-Ki was sitting in a high chair.

" How you know to get a high chair for her"

Happy New YearDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora