Finding the library

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We got out of the car and I looked up and the witch in the sky was getting closer "uh oh" "come on" I said "this is freaking me out" Coraline said "Let's go" I said as we was walking down the ally way. We got to a couple of stores when Coraline pulled me over and said "I hope we can stop this witch" "I hope so to" "come on you love birds" Said Courtney "let's go" I said. We walked up to a corner and we saw a lady run by,it was the zombies it looked like they were eating people "this awful the zombies are like eating everyone!" Courtney said. We ran passed them and got to the library. "Is everyone alright? Nobody got bitten?" I said "I bit my tongue does that count?" Said Neil "I don't think that's what he meant" said Coraline.

I tried to open the door but it was locked "does anyone know how to pick a lock?" Everyone looked at Alvin "Sure pick locks I my thing". He just threw a sigh thing that stands on the floor at the window and open it from the other side "Boom" then we went inside.

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