Cottage in the woods

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Varian walked down the forest path with the woman behind him, holding that knife to his back as they kept going on forward. His nerves were going haywire, wondering what this lady wanted. "I thought you wanted to go to Corona. We can still-" The words were caught in his throat when he felt a small prick against his back, threatening to dig into his skin.

"We are going this way. Now silent, Child." The two approached a cottage that had been hidden across a river. She guided him towards the door before shoving him inside.

Varian fell down to his knees, hearing the door slam shut as he flinched. He stayed down for the moment, watching the lady move around the room as if searching for something. "Ah.. here it is." She hummed, grabbing an object that made a jingling sound as it was moved. She moved to him and grabbed his wrist, latching a shackle to it. "Just so you don't get any ideas. Now.. We can talk safely." She shoved his hand away and stood up straight to walk away from him.

Silence filled the room as she removed her cloak, letting her curly black hair down before turning to face him.

"Who- Who are you?" Varian questioned, his bright blue eyes focusing on the older woman.

She chuckled in amusement at his question. "You don't know? I am Gothel and I want to know.. Everything you know about Rapunzel." She stepped closer, revealing a vial she was holding, turning to reveal it's writing. Truth Serum. "Maybe even tell me a bit about yourself. I would be most interested to know more."

His eyes grew wide as he tried to back away, that is until he felt her hand grip his chin tight. "Are you going to do this the easy way or the hard way?"

"I-I'll talk. Just.. don't use that. Please." He begged, hoping if he kept himself alive long enough, the others would come to find him. He then began explaining about Rapunzel, when he first met her. When he betrayed her. About her hair and the sunflower and moonstone. Zhan Tiri returning. Though he gave a fake name for Cassandra when speaking of Rapunzel's friend who turned on them.

Varian already knew this was Cassandra's mother by this point. Varian also spoke to her about his father, being a member of the brotherhood of the dark Kingdom where the moonstone had been. Also leaving out Eugene being the Prince of the dark kingdom. He concluded with the destruction of the sunflower and moonstone.

The destruction being mentioned was enough for Gothel to strike him across the face, hard. "DESTROYED?! MY FLOWER-?!" She was seething, knocking items from shelves onto the floor before finally composing herself, her eyes focusing on the boy again. "I somehow doubt.. They were completely destroyed. Their magic still exists and ...I will bring it back. If it's the last thing I do."

"You can't bring it back! That's.. That's impossible! Come on. We-we can figure this out, just let me go and we can go talk to-" This was met with another strike across the face, causing him to fall back, gripping his face in pain.

"Silent. If I hear you speak another word." Her eyes narrowed threateningly at him. "You won't be leaving me at all. In fact. Soon enough, no one will be able to find you. And Rapunzel will be with me again as well."

"I will have their magic back. After all. I returned from the dead for a purpose." She turned her back to him and stepped away, leaving Varian on the ground, stuck to his corner. 

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