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"i'm sorry.."

xiaojun quickly sprinted away, not wanting to confront the boy. for one, he was hot, and xiaojun didn't know how to act around hot people.

and two, confrontation is a scary thing.

the boy scoffed behind him and kept walking down the hall, slight anger oozing out of his body.

xiaojun kept his head low and moved in between bodies before he finally reached his destination.

lucas scrambled to get to xiaojun, almost toppling over three students. "xiao wait for me dumbass."

"sorry.." lucas linked their arms together and walked down the hall to their second period, science. sure, mrs. young was a good teacher, but there were days where she said "fuck it" and had her assistants help in teaching.

lucas sat all the way in the back, leaving xiaojun in the front with an empty seat. the boy sighed and laid his head down on the table.

he pondered on whether the boy he bumped into would start to hate him or not.

"xiaojun!" his thoughts were interrupted, mrs. young calling on him to answer a question. xiaojun internally facepalmed, cursing himself for not paying attention.

"uh.. two?"

mrs. young deadpans before pointing to the board, where it says, "mrs. young, science."

"this isn't math class mr. xiao, focus." she turned around and underlined the question. "may you answer, yiren?"

yiren nods and smiles at the teacher, saying an answer that xiaojun already forgot two seconds later.

of course she knows it, he thought. the boy starts doodling into his notebook, drawing little faces and emojis.

riiing... the bell rang, the ring echoing through the halls and classrooms. xiaojun jolted his head up, quickly packing his things and walking out of the class.

he trudged down the hall, not wanting to attend any more classes. lucas went the other way, as he had physical education next. xiaojun was going to math class, with mr. choi.

mr. choi was an okay teacher, he wasn't as chill as other teachers, but he didn't give out too much work so that was a plus.

xiaojun was actually good friends with mr. choi, and he had informed the student that there would be two new students in their class.

xiaojun entered the class, mr. choi not present in the room. he looked around the classroom and sat next to haknyeon.

"hey, where's mr. choi?"

"oh, he went to the restroom i think." haknyeon replied sweetly, smiling with a toothy grin right after.

xiaojun thanked him and turned to face the front of the class. his breath was taken away by two new boys who had just walked in. xiaojun felt as gay as he ever could have.

he quickly looked down before any of them locked gazes, not wanting to look meek around them.

mr. choi soon walks in with a smile and some papers, handing them to the new students.

"hello class. get in your seats. please welcome our new students for math!" the two boys grinned and bowed, waving at certain students they recognized.

"please introduce yourselves," the teacher pointed towards them.

"hi, i'm yangyang! nice to meet you all," yangyang looked like a very sweet and promising young guy, his sheep like smile and fluffy hair added to his soft look.

"hi. i'm hendery." hendery on the other hand, had some sort of cold aura that xiaojun couldn't quite put his finger on.

mr. choi guided them to their seats, yangyang next to gahyeon, and hendery next to yeosang. xiaojun couldn't help but feel some sort of jealousy towards gahyeon and yeosang, but he didn't know why.

don't get him wrong, haknyeon is an amazing guy but he just felt more connected to the two than he did with haknyeon. besides, haknyeon had closer and better friends to talk to.


xiaojun yawned, feeling bored of math class. he was now walking towards the cafeteria, feeling an arm wrap around him. it was lucas, of course.

"did you hear? hyunsuk found a new boyfriend.. just when i thought he was straight."

xiaojun payed no mind to the way lucas talked about others. he didn't like spreading rumors nor going into other peoples' personal lives. because he couldn't imagine how they would feel when they find out their secrets have been leaked.

"shut up lucas, that's his business."

"i'm just saying! yo-" xiaojun slaps his arm away and angrily speed-walks away from the taller male.

he looks down to the ground, not noticing the boy in front of him, and bumps into him. oh fuck.. this is the second time get it together xiaojun, he looks up to see yangyang.

"sorry! are you okay?" yangyang asks, leaving the other in confusion.

"but i bumped into you.. nevermind."

yangyang grins, his pearly whites popping out. "you're in my math class right? i saw you sitting next to nyeon hyung!"

"uh yeah.."

"do you wanna be friends?" yangyang sticks his hand out, waiting for the other to reply.

"sure," xiaojun shakes his hand and chuckles softly. yangyang was a cute guy, and was the exact way xiaojun had pictured him to be.

yangyang was bound to be a great companion.

i'm so sorry for not updating this book, but i finally got inspiration to continue it !!

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i'm so sorry for not updating this book, but i finally got inspiration to continue it !!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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