What I Like About You..

Start from the beginning

"It was the sparkplugs!"  Brian said quickly as it was the first reasonable thing that came to mind relating to car trouble.

"That's good!"  Deacy remarked with relief as he pulled the album from the player and placed it in its sleeve.   "The Cross..eh?"  he commented and glanced at Brian.  Brian pointedly ignored him as he stuffed the excess cash in a bank bag.  "I've got a mixed tape I made a few days ago and I wanted you to hear it..."  Deacy informed his friend as he slipped the cassette into the player and pressed the 'Play' button.

"It's not more disco is it?"  Brian asked with mild annoyance as the music started.  He was relieved when the first song playing was the new single from The Stray Cats.  He liked the throwback sound of this band.  Their homage to the rockabilly genre was fun and fresh.  'Stray Cat Strut' was far from disco and pleased Brian's ears.  Deacy began slinking around the store and he practiced his feline like moves as the song played.

"Don't you love that fat bass line?"  Deacy shouted to Brian as he organized the shelves and then grabbed the duster and flicked it over the top of the racks.  Brian nodded as he checked the supply of register tape and made sure the credit card machine was turned on and working.  

"It's wicked!"  Brian commented and Deacy looked satisfied as he wiggled him bum and ran the duster over the small shelf of music books they offered.  Brian went to the store room and came back with several sheets of newspaper and some glass spray and cleaned off the front door of the shop.  The songs changed and Brian didn't recognize the new one.  "Whose this?"  he asked loudly as he listened to the funky guitar licks.

"It's new!"  Deacy answered with enthusiasm.  "It's from Freddie Mercury.."  As soon as the singing began Brian recognized the voice.   It was definitely him.  He had a distinct quality and an amazing range.

"What's it called?"  he asked and Deacy grinned mischievously. 

"Cool Cat!"  he answered and Brian turned around and smirked at his friend.

"Am I detecting a theme already?"  he questioned and Deacy beamed at his quick thinking.

"You might be!"  he answered with a devilish grin.  "I've named my song mix - Tail of The Tape!"  he announced and Brian shook his head and snickered.  They carried on listening to Deacy's feline themed song selections and got the store opened by noon.  They had short hours on Sunday but business was generally good.  Several customers arrived not long after they unlocked the doors and some were inquiring about leftover items from Record Store Day.  Since Brian had left early he entrusted Deacy to answer their questions.  He was pondering opening up their stock for the coming week's new releases to see what arrived when the telephone rang.  Brian instantly thought of the magical phone call he had received yesterday.  The one that had set the tone for his crazy night out with his rock star.  Wait!  His rock star?  Brian dismissed the notion and went to answer the phone.

"The Inner Groove..."  he said in the phone

"So what's your take on today?"  he heard Roger's voice on the line and instantly grinned.  "Is this a 'Sunday Bloody Sunday' or is it 'Easy Like Sunday Morning?' "  he queried in a cheeky tone.  Brian turned around so no one could see the giant smile on his face and the flush of his cheeks.

"Oh..I don't know..."  he answered coyly.  "I'm spending it with Deacy so I guess that makes it a 'Pleasant Valley Sunday..' "  Brian remarked with his own set of cheek and song title referencing a Sunday.  Roger laughed in the phone which made Brian extremely happy.

"Good comeback Bri!"  Roger responded and Brian noticed that Roger had already begun using a nickname for him.  It felt terribly intimate but Brian found he liked it.  He liked the familiarity of it.   "Though to be honest....I'm just sitting here 'Lazing on A Sunday Afternoon'" Roger remarked and Brian couldn't believe the coincidence of Roger mentioning a Freddie Mercury song when they had just listened to him.  Brian laughed out loud.

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