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Colby's P.O.V

   I woke up early Saturday morning, at around 8:00 am. I looked to the left of me, half expecting to see him. But, as usual, no one.
   I have been having these recurring dreams lately, about a boy, around my age. I don't know his name, or where he lives. Hell, I don't even know if he's real. But what I do know is that when he looks at me, my heart starts pounding. When I look at him, my breath gets caught in my throat. And when I'm with him, even if it is just a dream, it's like I've been teleported to a whole other dimension.
   His eye colour is similar to my own; a bright blue, clear as the ocean. His hair is blonde, and he has an amazing smile. I love the way his eyes shine when he's happy, and especially when he looks at me.
   Now, I know that it's insane, to think you're in love with someone that you don't know, let alone that you don't know if they even exist or not, but, I can just feel this connection between us. A connection that I've never felt with anyone else before. Not even with Brennen Taylor, and he's the closest friend I have. 
   Deciding that I've been lying in bed for long enough, I got up and headed toward my bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and then set the water to a good temperature for a shower.
   Once I dressed for the day in a black T-shirt and black pants, I grabbed my black beanie and headed downstairs.
   When I reached the bottom step, I felt my phone buzz so I pulled it out of my pocket to see what the notification was. I had received a text from Brennen, so I unlocked my phone and texted him. 

Brennen: Hey Colby. I'm meeting up with some friends at Chick-Fil-A later today. You want to come?

Colby: It depends... which friends???

Brennen: Oh, just some guys that go to the high school you'll be moving to. You could meet some of the students there before your first day. Then at least you'll know some people besides just one person

Colby: Thanks but I think I'll pass today. How about next weekend?

Brennen: Alright sounds good to me. I'll just make sure it's good with them too. See you around, bye

Colby: bye

   I turned off my phone and headed into the kitchen to grab some food.
After I had something for breakfast, I decided to go to the park. I went to the front of my house and slipped my shoes on, pausing to tie up the laces. I left the house, locking the door behind me, and pulled out my phone as I headed towards the park.
When I arrived, I looked around a bit, looking at everyone in the park. Finally, I spotted a familiar person, sitting on a bench across the park-the boy I'm meeting up with- and I made my way toward him. He looked up from his phone as I approached, and smiled in a friendly manner.             "What's up?" Asked Mike, as I sat with him on the bench.
   "Nothing much, how 'bout you?" I replied.
   "Nothing, really. Anyway, you excited to move schools in a few weeks?"
   "No, not really. I'd prefer to stay at the one I'm at, but you've heard about the things that go on at my school. All the bullying, smoking, vaping. Even those few people who tried to commit suicide in the bathrooms."
   "But at least I'll be at the High School you're moving to. There is some bad stuff that happens there every once in a while, but not often."
The only part of moving I was happy about was that I'd get to go with Mike. He's pretty popular at his school, and nobody should really bother me if they know I'm friends with him. Most people are intimidated by him, so I should be fine. 


Word Count - 675

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