Chapter 5: The Meet Up

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Angel's POV:


Me and Ryder have been talking a lot, I find myself looking forward to his texts every day. I find myself thinking about him alot and I haven't even met the man yet, GOD I sound so desperate what else is new.

Ryder has called me every night for the last two weeks every night when he got off work. I have learned that he has a cat named Ping and that he used to have two cats Ping and Pong who he doesn't have anymore. He told me that he is going to a Toys For Tots event in two weeks and he wants me to go so we can meet in person. I told him I would think about it. You see I have really bad anxiety and being in public with people I have never met before makes it way worse.

I really don't know what to do. I've been thinking about this all day. I decided that maybe it is time to talk to my friend about this. As we are leaving work I call to her stopping her from getting in her truck.

"Hey can I talk to you about something?" I say to her in a quiet voice.Jasmine just looks at me confused. She starts laughing.

"Girl, You know you can talk to me about anything." I laugh with her starting to wonder why I was even asked in the first place. Was it because I didn't want to bother her with my problems.

"You remember that guy I was talking to you about from that new dating app?" I ask her hoping she knows what I mean. It's been a couple of days since I have said anything to her about him.

"Girl which one? The one with all the hot tattoos, or the tool thinks his car is the best thing ever." she says acting like she didn't know and messing with me. I giggle, "Yes, the one with the tattoos and the mysteries eyes."

She gives me this look that says "You're joking right?" and followed with the typical question, "What happened now hun?" I sigh, " It's not something that happened, It's just he is coming up here for a Toys For Tots thing and he wants me to meet him up there," I say to her, sighing again and starting to play with my hair as I wait for her to answer me.

She looks at me with her "Girl I know better." and said, " Okay and what about it? Do you not want to meet him or are you scared?" I look at her trying to figure out which one it was., "Kinda both honestly, I I want to meet him just not like that you know what I mean, You know I get in public. Ugh I hate this so much." I say to her flustered about everything. "Well Girl think about it tonight and let me know what you end up doing, I need to go." She says to me as she getting in her truck and leaves. As I pick my music, I think about what Jasmine said to me. I don't want this to control my ability to meet a guy that I think I like.


I hear my phone ringing beside me. I pick it up to see who it is, Only to see Ryder's picture on my screen with his nickname, My Cookie In The Tool Chest. I giggle thinking about the name, I gave it to him the first time I FaceTimed him, He said and I quote, "You didn't think I would be the smartest cookie in the tool chest did you." I anwer the FaceTime, his face pops up. "Did I wake you up?" he said to me, looking upset that he may have woken me up. "No, I was just thinking about maybe coming to the Toys For Tots car show to meet with you, trying to see how to make it work." I wasn't fully lying, I still didn't know if I would be able to hang the huge group of people. Her step dad only made sure she knew some things, so she didn't need a man from anything that was simple.

"That's great babe, I'm kinda excited now." He said with a smile.

I smile saying something smart to him. After about ten minutes of talking, He tells me he is home and that he is going to the gym later that evening. We said our goodbyes and I hung my phone up. I lay back in bed and fall into a happy sleep, thinking of what could happen if I would just go to the event.

Ryder's POV:

I shake my head, just knowing that she will most likely not show. So I call Nick, The phone rings a couple of times before I hear his voice, "Yo man this better be good." He says huffing into the phone. " Dude I need a favor?" I say he threw my teeth. You see Nick has some friends that are great jealousy bait just in case an ex or something shows or won't show up to the event." Yeah dude, Alice is your favorite right, the pretty little brunette."I could hear the smirk in his voice, and I rolled my eyes. " She is the least annoying one." he says to Nick."Your dating app girl is not showing up then." He says to me like he already knows the answer. "Yeah that's how I'm calling it." I say to him as I hang up the phone. I walk into my bedroom taking a hot shower and getting into bed. I shouldn't have lied to Angel about going to the gym. I should have just told what I thought. I soon fell asleep thinking about what could have happened.

I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ear. "Fuck why does everything got to ruin my good ass dreams." I huff getting dressed and going to work. I check my phone before leaving the house to see a good morning text from Angel. Wow this girl is definitely different from my one night stands I have had over the last year.

I quickly text her back, "Good morning gorgeous. How is your day going?" I hit send getting the biggest grin on my face, and I think for a minute that she is going to be a wild cat.

In bed and out of bed.

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