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1 year later

Today is a new day and I wake up feeling great! Roni and I are going strong with our relationship. But lately Roni has been acting different like someone hurt her. I'm worried. So today I'm gonna investigate. I get up and get dressed then I head downstairs. I see my brother and I bro hug him. Alex and I have gotten really close because I've started driving Alex to school because now he's in high school and he's way more mature so he doesn't' tease me like he used to. We eat breakfast and start to pack up our stuff then I hear the doorbell ring. I go to open it and it's Nessa!

"Nessa what are you doing here?" I say


"what I didn't do anything!" I say confused and a little concerned "did something happen to her?"

"she's bleeding all over she cut her self so many times I had to take her to the hospital I thought somebody hurt her!" she says getting worried

"oh my god cmon we're going to the hospital!"

I tell Alex I'm not gonna be at school today and that he has to take the bus. At first he's upset but then I tell him why and he says I need to go now.

We get in the car and Nessa drives as fast as she can to the hospital. We walk in and up to the front desk.

"Are you Vanessa Merrell?" The nurse asks

"Yes, and this is Aaron Burriss Veronica's boyfriend" Nessa says

"okay if you two could follow me back" the nurse says

She takes us to Roni's room and we walk in. We walk up to her bed.

"I'll leave you two" Nessa says

I nod and she leaves the room. I take Roni's hand and kiss it. She's asleep.

"Roni baby if you can hear me you need to know that I don't want you to hurt yourself because if you leave this world I don't know what I would do without you. You're my best friend and my soulmate. I love you so much and I don't want you to leave." I say

I start to walk out but I hear a small voice calling me. I look behind me to see Roni is awake. I walk up to her and give her a soft kiss on the lips.

"I love you too Aaron. But someone is hurting me and I can't take it anymore I just want to die I want to go away" she says

"Love, who hurt you?" I ask

"a guy at our school. He's bullying me for being with you. But I'm not leaving you no matter what."

My heart stops. Her loving me is making her get hurt. She loves me so much to stay with me even when people are bullying and hurting her.

"Baby I want you to tell me who this person is okay?" I say

"okay but please don't get hurt I love you so much and I don't want you hurt"

"I love you too and I promise I will not leave you if you can promise me that too" I say

"I promise" she says

She tells me that the guy who is hurting her is named Dylan. And I know exactly who she's talking about. Dylan and I go way back. And if he is hurting the love of my life, well... he's gonna pay.

CLIFF HANGER!!!! (well kinda lol) thanks for reading! I really appreciate how you guys are sticking with me I'm super pumped for you to know what happens next! Love ya!❤️


I just want to say that I'm sending love to George Floyd's family and friends. This man deserved better❤️

Choices were made, but regrets were always thereDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora