Caught part 2

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Warning: this is long as heck
Moxxie POV
Alright it is officially the weekend so now all I need to do is say goodbye to Millie for the last time so I said goodbye to Millie and I was holding back tears so yeah she said that she'll miss me and I had to hold myself back no to say" well your gonna miss me for a very long time" so I left and actually went to a hotel and all I needed wait and I called Loona saying that I did it and I said that I can't believe I'm doing this I don't know if I should do this but Loona reassure me that this is the right thing so after I hanged up all I needed to do is to wait.
Loona POV
I just got the call that Moxxie is now at the hotel all I need to is to get on my motorcycle and go see if Blitzo's car was there I lived far away from there house so it's gonna take awhile 
We'll get back to her
Millie POV
I was so excited that I get to have Blitzy over for the entire weekend so the first thing I did was to call Blizty and ask to him come over and he ask about Moxxie since he almost caught us twice and he was considering breaking it off and I reassure him that we're gonna be fine and he has nothing to worry about.
Loona POV
So once I got to her house I look from a far to if it was Blitzø's car and no surprise his car was there I can't believe my dad was this deprived so I pull out my phone and call Moxxie that his car was there and he said that he was on his way and told me to stay there so he won't try to leave I said okay and waited on my motorcycle on the hill overlooking their house.
Rest of the story will take place in Moxxie's POV
Moxxie POV
As soon as I got the call I checked out of the hotel and once I got on the road I was driving as fast as I can I might as well been in a Fast and Furious movie so rather than parking in the driveway I park next to Loona's motorcycle on the hill overlooking my house and I ask her if he left and she said " no he's still there" and I said "alright let's bust this wh*re" so we both slid down the hill well she slid down the hill I rolled down the hill besides that me and Loona went to the front door and I tried the knob it was locked I said "great" in a irritated manner then Loona was about kick the door down but I stop and she asked "why did you stop me" and I replied " I want to take her surprise" and she asked " well is there any other way to get in???" She asked I thought for a second and then I had an Idea " the back door she always forget to lock the back door" I said with excitement "alright let's go the the back door and we try the knob and it OPENED me and Loona had a face of excitement so we sneak to my room and as we got closer we could hear moaning so once we got to the door Loona kicked open the door and there look on their faces were priceless.
"Moxxie" Millie said surprised and I had  anger/sadness boiling up " Moxx-Mox- Moxxie I can explain" Millie said panicky I said "bullsh*t, bullsh*t why did you cheat on me" and for a second Millie didn't respond  so I screamed out "why!!!" And the Millie gave awful excuse " well because I didn't feel loved and I was desperate and He's a better lover than you" when I heard that I f*cking lost it "SO YOU CHEATED ON ME BECAUSE HE'S AN BETTER LOVER THAN ME!!!" I yelled when they didn't respond I said " you know that's it your not only Banned form this house but we're also getting a divorce you guys have 5 minutes to get dressed and leave this house got that" both of them nodded yes with that out of the way I proceeded to cry and I went to the living room and sat on the couch but between my hard sobs I could her Loona saying " dad I can't believe you would do this you not lost the love of Moxxie but also lost the love of me your a terrible dad." and then I heard footsteps and then I heard someone sitting on the couch besides me thinking that it was Millie I said gritting my teeth " I thought I told you to get out" I looked at her only to found out it was Loona "oh hi Loona" and then Loona said " I no your hurt right now but just let you know I'm here for you" after saying that Loona proceeded to hug me and I hugged her back " thanks for that by the way why do you care so much like you hated me before this" and Loona looked at me and explain " I know what it feels like to be cheated on and I know how much it hurts" after that I could hear both Millie and Blitzø exiting the room and I turned to face them and with sass I said "about time you came out now get out and don't come back" and Blitzo exited why Millie try to apologize to me for one last time " please Moxxie I'm sorry for cheating on you maybe we can start over and pretend to that this never happen" she finished with a nervous smile and I told her " you better get out of my house and if you truly loved me you would have never cheated on me" and with that she left then Loona said "good riddance" and I said " I know right" and then we heard yelling we both looked out the window to see the best thing ever Blitzø and Millie arguing we couldn't tell what they were saying but it was glorious and the Blitzo goes back in his car and drive off while Millie look at us through the window at we both flip her off and she stormed off out of view after that we both look at each other and I said " guess we can start our new lives together"  and she said " yeah" with one last moment we kissed.

                                  The End
Wow this was long  hope you guys enjoyed this I had fun writing this hopefully you guys had fun reading this and see you guys next time bye!!!
1149 words

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