chapter 15

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"Who is Izu-nii" asked a very confused Hazashi

"Izu-nii is izu-nii " replied Eri. The cold had been given a lolly and was happlily enjoying it.

"But who is Izu-nii to you" asked Nezu(aka mouse man) who had a suspicion on who the Izu-nii was

"My older brother, he tried to save me from mean man,but he was nearly killed in the prossess" replied a clam Eri. She may have been young but she new about death. She herself has been killed for many years only to be brought back and then killed again.

" What do you mean nearly killed" asked a very Annoyed Aizawa. He was tired and had not had his 7th cup of coffee so he had very little Patience.

"Well when the mean man was dragging me away I saw big rocks on top of him he was trying to grab me but he was trapped" For replied . She was very sad . She had not seen her brother since she was four.( She is seven in this) she knew he wasent dead. At least she hope he wasent.

"My dear you brother is most likely dead he could not have serviced what ever had happened" Nezu said. He knew the event she was talking about.

"No he has alive he has to be he's the only family I have left. HIS QUIRK WOULDN'T LET HIM DIE. HE'S NOT DEAD" Eri was now in the process of pain and fear. These people had to be lying. izu-nii had to be alive. He can't be dead. What about Katsuo, Alixizi,and songa. They wouldn't have let him die. ALl these thoughts were running through the small girls head.She was unresponsive to any of the adults in the room. She had only one thought on her mind. RUN

She ran. She bolted out the door. She had know a idea were she was going. This was to familiar. Too much like him. Wasent going to go though that pain ever again. She would rather die permanently  . She heard the teachers calling her. And saw student turning to look at her. She focussed her eyes on the path ahead.  She saw someone get in front of her path. She tried to stop. She collided with the person.

She stumbled to the ground. She looked up and saw. He was blurry but she knew who it was. He turned around. His moppy mess of green hair was still the same. She looked down at her . Surprise was all he could muster at this point.

She wiped her tears. She saw him clearly. He had crouched down abit. She saw tears falling down his freakeled face. He embraced her.

She get safe. She cried. She cluched on to him. Not ever going to let him go.

"Your ok Eri no one's going to hurt you, your safe" he mutters kind things to her. The teachers stoped and watched the scene in front of them. What the small girl said nexted shocked them.

"I-i missed y-you


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