Word Travels Fast

Start from the beginning

"I'm happy to be of service," Po jokingly bows before leaving them to spar some more, with my sudden change in attitude, I finally won the last four rounds.

"Dang Li, you kicked my butt. Nice. Hey do you want to go swimming with me and the girls?" Suki asks.

"Of course I want to but you know how it is, dinner's always with-"

"Gui. I know, I know. No sweat, we can go early tomorrow too," she shrugs.

"Thanks for being so understanding." I say chugging my water.

"No problem,"

"See you tomorrow, Suks!"

"See you tomorrow, Li!"


On my way home, I was humming a tune while trying to put what Po said out of my mind in case he was wrong. I stopped at the market and couldn't help but be a little disappointed when it was Enji on shift instead of Sakura, I could've found out a little more from her about the Avatar- I shook my head. You're supposed to be putting it out of your mind.

"Hi Liena! How are you doing my itty bitty precious Mango? You're looking just darling today, is that a new necklace?" He asks, flirting up a storm as usual.

"Thanks Enji, but you know it makes me a tad uncomfortable when you flirt with me. I don't like you like that, there's a space between boy and friend—as most people would call it the friend zone, I'm sorry Enji.

"And no, this is the same necklace I've always had, my father got it for me when he went with my uncle to visit the Southern Air Temple all those years ago." I stay kind and collected, like I was taught.

"Oh right, it's beautiful. So what can I get you today, sweets?" He asks, pointing to the fruits, veggies, meats, and other snacks and ingredients in front of him.

I roll my eyes with a bright smile, knowing he wasn't going to stop the flirting anytime soon, it wasn't a big problem, he and I are friends but he's just relentless, "I'll take one mango, one papaya, five plums, some flour, sugar, rice, and three crabs please!"

"My oh my, you really are our best customer. What are you making today for you and your uncle?"

"I've decided to make crab puffs with rice for dinner, and then fruit pies for dessert," I smile, excited to make more pies, they were my favorite. As well as everyone else's, they're a crowd pleaser. Every year for my birthday party, I make a ton of the pies and everyone loves them. And every year someone eats them until they're sick, Enji's usually that someone.

"You have to show me how you make those delicious pies!" Enji pleads.

"Unfortunately in order to make them it requires an airbender. But hey, I'll make you some sometime soon," I promise, "keep the change," I say leaving my earth kingdom money on the stand. I thank him and continue my walk home, my groceries in hand.

"Hey Liena! Watch this! I'm just like you!" Little Akari yells from on top of a small house, she gets ready to jump and I drop my groceries and braced myself to save Akari.

"Akari no!" But it was too late—she comes tumbling from the roof and in a quick response, I get in one of my air bending stances and cushion Akari's landing, I gently let her down. "You have to be more careful! You'll hurt yourself!" I say, flustered by the brave—and naïve—little girl.

Lotus Flower: Book One|ZukoxOC(Avatar the Last Airbender Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now