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      Keggers on Outer Banks were something of a tradition

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Keggers on Outer Banks were something of a tradition. It brought all the different social groups together at The Boneyard; it never being a dull moment. However, arriving late to a kegger was never ideal. Everyone was already drunk, the boys were sleazy and it meant less time to hang out with your friends because they were most likely already macking someone.

But arrive late to a kegger was exactly what Maisie had done. Once the girl had arrived home after her rather long walk, Maisie took an extremely long shower and just laid about in her room, not really feeling like attending the social event at all. But because she had made a promise to Kie at the start of the year that she would attend every one that they had, there was no backing out of it.

The girl jumped over the fallen logs on the sand toward where her friends usually sat, being guided by small lights and the moon. Making her way up to the keg, she poured herself a drink and began to look around. Even though the beach was crowded and people were scattered around everywhere, Maisie could still clearly tell who was a Pogue, Touron or a Kook.
It wasn't that hard.

The girl saw Kie sat next to a random Touron on a log, both in deep conversation so there was no way that she would try to interfere with that potential hookup. And when she looked slightly to the right Maisie could see Pope macking on some fancy Kook, resulting in a grin growing on her face. She always had a soft spot for Pope, the boy being incredibly playful but respectful towards Maisie, so seeing him happy was something she enjoyed. Even if it was a Kook he was macking on.

Maisie began to wander around looking for the two troublemakers of her group but when she came up empty handed, she took a seat on a stray log near the edge of the beach, close to the waves.

With each crash of a wave and sip of her beer, calmness washed over Maisie. She felt calm knowing that her friends were happy but a small part of her felt lonely, she knew it was her duty to go out there and talk to people; try to hookup but she couldn't, it was as though she was cemented to the sand beneath her feet. A pressure built up in her chest and she felt sick, wanting nothing more than to just return home but she wouldn't allow herself to act this way. She was being utterly ridiculous.

With a quick huff, Maisie looked around at the crowd again and straightened out her eyebrows which she now felt were furrowed. And this time she found JJ. Except he was attached at the lips with some random Touron which was something that made Maisie's heart clench. Great.

Her blatant stares of pain at the pair were broken however when a broad chest blocked her view, the girl raising her eyes to meet the honey brown ones of some Kook. Maisie let a fake smile fall onto her face once she looked at the boys eyes trying not to be rude or bratty although she just couldn't quite remember the boy's name for the life of her. But she was certain that she'd definitely seen him around somewhere before.

"Uh hey" he grinned as he moved to sit beside the slightly shivering girl, his eyes raking up and down her body quickly, a cup gripped tightly in his hand.
"Maisie Lynn right?"

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