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Sullivan is the new captain of station 19 since the last 6 weeks . It has been pretty intense , he was rude not caring really hard on people . He had it pretty hard with Herrera since the start she was suppose to be the captain so the atmosphere is tense . The team didn't really appreciate the fact that they had a exterior to come and be captain . Last week Andy and Sullivan got into the aid car crash . Andy got out after 3 days and Sullivan is still there for physical therapy . Andy decided to go visit him today cause it's her day off . She got to the hospital and she was allowed to see him , one of the three people on the list her , ripley and frank ( the battalion chief ) in case of emergency .She got into the room but he was sleeping so she waited on the sofa for him to wake up . « Herrera what are U doing here ? » he asked confused « isn't it like your day off » he added « it is and I decided to spend it with U, if that's okay ? » « we'll I mean I don't mind the company but don't U want to take your day off to I don't know sleep party ? » « no , I want to be with U so can just accept me ? »  «  so U want to be with me ?all day ? » « we'll yeah why not » « U sure ? » « well it's my fault if your here so yeah of course I'm gonna spend my day with U » « Andy it's not your fault » he said taking her hand in his hand which she backed off « sorry » he said « it's fine , don't worry » « so how is it at the station ? » he asked « oh it's good U know my dads in charge he loves it maybe to much » she let out a small laugh , it made Sullivan laugh « and how are U ? »
« I'm good , it's different U now I'm different »
« Why are U saying that ? » « well I won a medal for the night of the storm, that I don't think I deserve cause I put U in that position, and we'll I miss working under U don't get me wrong I love my dad it's just different » «  Andy you deserve that medal , U did something that not a lot of people would've done it was brave of you I wouldn't be able to walk today without you and I know U didn't wanted to win it I know but I'm grateful that it was U in that aid car and not someone else and Andy it wasn't your fault, and U miss me » « it was my fault I drove the aid car , and we'll miss U that depends but U barking orders at everyone and that captains voice or those eyes that's all different at the job then right now when we talk » «  Andy I told U that it was okay to drive I approved your idea it wasn't U , so now do you prefer the captain or Robert ? » «  well I prefer both of them at work it's different I didn't like it at first but now I don't really have a choice to listen , she said laughing a bit . And the robert here siting beside me is caring and soft I like that too » «  yeah I prefer the Andrea Herrera soft out of work because at work your pain but U do amazing work » «  I do » she said winking at him . They talked for a while until a nurse cane in
« You're ready for physical therapy Mr.Sullivan ? » the nurse asked « I'll bring him there » Andrea said « sure thing we'll see U there in 15 sir » « thank U » Robert said . « Let's go get U in that wheelchair » Andy said showing her hand so he can hold them and lift himself out of bed « U don't have to do that Andy I can ask a nurse go take your day off with your friends drink , I know that U love that » « come on I'm bringing U there there's no excuses since the incident I never got the chance to come except when I was coming to get a patient here so now you're not complaining and your spending your day alone with me » « fine but U know I'm 6'4 so U might need help to get me up and in that wheel chair » «  Robert .. » she said which caused for him to look up she never calls Him Robert « I got U in that back of the aid car I should be able to lift U up don't U think . She lifted him up successfully and she brought him to the physics therapy floor « I'll wait for U outside and I'll drive U around the hospital after you're gonna do great » she said lightly touching his hand « or U can come in if U want to and when I'm gonna have to take off my pant so that she can look at my leg I'll ask U to leave outside » he said laughing « yeah I dont really mind seeing U in boxer or shirtless U know that » why did U say that she thought to herself it made both of them blush . « Here we go she said as she pushed the door from the floor a nurse took Robert and Andy and they sat in the waiting area until he got called in . He did his physical therapy and now was the time he has to Take off his pants and his jacket which made him shirtless and in boxer .
Robert caught Andy staring at his body moving while he did some physical activities which made him blushed a bit he didn't know why but it made him blushed
Andy's POV
I don't know why but when he took of his shirt and his pants I could see his define six- pack and is muscle the muscle I see all the time in his gym clothes that attracts me so much. And god his body completely naked in his boxer is wow . He has a wonderful body and after a while I realize I was staring so I look away hoping he didn't see me . He's a hell of an handsome man .

After physical therapy they went on a walk in the hospital until after an hour or two Herrera couldn't feel her legs anymore so they went back to his room she helped him to go to the bathroom which he had to pee with the help of a nurse , Andy waited for him siting on the sofa when the nurse came back she took her place and helped him get in bed she closed the door and the blinds and the light « U should sleep that was though U could use the rest » she said calmly « no U came here to visit I'm not gonna sleep and while I'm gonna sleep your gonna stare at me which I don't really want to happen because I look bad sleeping » «  like I care , okay then I'm gonna lay down on that sofa and maybe I'll fall asleep if I do , go to sleep too okay or watch me if you want to » « okay » the both layed down for a while Andy almost about to fall asleep but Robert cut the silent moment « so you're staring at me now ? » h asked talking about physical therapy « wha..wha..what? » she said and she thought of herself god dam it he saw me « earlier in therapy U were staring » he said with a smirk on his face , Andy did a corner smile with didn't go unnoticed by Sullivan .

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