Chapter 7

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Donghua urged his horse faster, the bells on his waist ringing against the arrowhead in a song echoing the past. He broke through the gates of the Zhi Manor with little mind to the guards. No one dared to stop him anyway. He leapt from his horse and strode in while maids scurried from his way and rushed to bow.

"Your Majesty!" Zhi Yen, who was the criminal's eldest cousin, rushed out to meet him. "Please, what brings you here in such a state?"

"Where is Zhi Yue?"

Shocked by the question as well as the emperor's chilling tone, Zhi Yen paused before stammering out an answer.

"M-my good cousin ret-retired to her r-room earlier-r, Your Ma-Majesty."

"Bring her to Us. Now."

"May I ask why?" Dijun's cold glare made the man immediately regret the question and he bowed in apology. "...I will send for her."

Zhi Yen disappeared for a moment before reappearing looking a great deal more stressed than before. No one followed him.

"Where is she?"

"I-I don't know!" Zhi Yen fell to his knees, "Your Majesty, please, please be merciful! Whatever my young cousin has done to incur your wrath, it was done with great ignorance! I am sure no harm was meant-"

"Your cousin's ignorance has sent a better woman to her deathbed, and We will see justice come of it!" Dijun turned to his soldiers without further regarding the panicked man at his feet. "Search the place. If you find her or any evidence of her maliciousness bring them to Us... And her family, lock them up."

With that, Dijun charged back out, the cries of the Zhi family falling on deaf ears. The Zhi family was quite prosperous, riding the success of Hao De's exploits and political power. If he weren't so caught in his emotions, Dijun would not have been so quick to bring them down, but he couldn't care for his time consuming power schemes. Jiu'er needed help now.

Halfway to the gates of the palace, he sensed something sinister in the air and a glint of silver shining in the moonlight caught his eyes. Quickly, he dodged the arrow as a group of black-clad assassins dropped from the shadows.

To say he was outnumbered was an understatement. In his rush to find Zhi Yue and the cure, he had left his guards in the Zhi Manor. The assassins surrounded him. As he struggled to block their attacks, his horse was shot out from under him. Dijun leapt from the back of his falling horse and deflected a second barrage of arrows.

Donghua shouted in anger as he cut down one of the assassins. How dare they stand in his way! He did not have time to deal with such nuisances. Over the rise of the hill he heard the shouting of troops. A few moments later, Si Ming and a patrol of guards were charging down the hillside.

"Don't allow them to escape!!" He ordered as remaining assassins tried to flee. True to his order, the troops surrounded the black-clad men and swiftly disarmed them. "Si Ming! Take care of these ones, We must find Zhi Yue!"

Jumping on the back of another's horse, he started to turn away but was stopped by Si Ming.

"What are you doing? Out of Our way!"

"Wait, Your Majesty, I know where Zhi Yue is headed."

Donghua paused at the words. "Where?"

"I believe she is fleeing to the dungeon. She and Hao De have a deal with the Yinying clan. I have already arranged an ambush for her there."

Donghua's grip on the reins tightened, "How dare they! We will see them all dead!"

Dijun urged his horse forward, ready to cut down anyone in his way. Si Ming watched and prayed that this did not end in tragedy. He really did not think his lord could recover if Lady Xihe were to parish.

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