Chapter 2

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ok soo like the first part of the story this chapter is very long because i got stuck on some parts but i promise the next part will be longer!! Anyways, i hope you enjoy.

How do you say I love you?

Shane and I hadn't talked in 2 years, so I didn't think that tonight was going to be any different, but I always had a little bit of hope that maybe just maybe one day he might actually start talking to me again. You see tonight our swim teams senior groups are having a lock in and so far my day had been really good I just hoped my luck would hold :)

"THALIA, your here!" yelped one of my best friends, Hope

"Yep, I'm here" I said smiling, laughing, and hugging Hope at the same time.

"OK so, where do I put my stuff?"

"Come on I'll show you. Were back in the karate room"

"Eww" I said making a face "The floors all sticky in there"

"Haha I know right... But we won't be sleeping much anyways since we have to swim twice" sighed Hope


"Hey Sophie" I said smiling

Sophie was another one of my good friends. I loved her and Hope to death! Hope was more like me, sorta crazy, and Sophie well she is one of the nicest people I have ever met and probably will ever meet; I have only seen her get mad once before.

I plopped my varietie of bags down and then we walked back out to the main lobby because our head coach Cole was starting to yell for everyone to get in the lobby.

"Welcome" he said "To the first Senior Lock-In"

"Now I know your all excited to get this thing started, but we have a couple rules we have to go over"

All the boys groaned. But personally I didn't really care I wasn't really a rule breaker type person.

"Ok first rule girls your resting room is in the karate room, boys you are not allowed in there under any circumstances"

"Alright, second rule boys, your resting room is the offices right back there" he declared pointing behind him "Girls, just like the boys aren't allowed in your resting room, you aren't allowed in there's and that's the majority of the rules except for respect your other teammates and respect your coaches" "Now let's go have some fun" Coach Cole hollered

We all got up and started to head toward the game/movie room when "Wait, hold on I forgot to tell you that the food will be here at 8 and that the Senior group swims from 9-11 Elite swims from 11-1 and National swims from 1-3 and then all the groups swim again in the same orders and each practice is 2 hours, so make sure you know what time your swimming" he clarified for us. I am in the senior group and Shane, he's in Elite.

We all slowly started to get up again; making sure he wasn't gonna call us back again. Hope, Sophie, and I waited until everybody else had left the room to avoid collision and then we to made our way to the game room.

When we got into the room almost all the groups were in there. I mean I understood that nobody was swimming until 9, but jeez there were a lot of people in here. And then I saw why. Somebody had brought one of those xbox kinect things and they had also brought one of those dancing games and someone was dancing and they must have been either really good or really funny for everyone to be watching them so intently. I tried to nicely push my way through people so I could see who was dancing. I was watching the person dance but then I got caught in the music (i absolutely love music, but I mean who doesn't?) and I was singing along and sorta boppin' my head around to the music when I accidentally bumped somebody with my shoulder. I turned to the person.

"Oops I'm really sorry" I stated sincerely

"Its ok" said a voice that I knew all the well...   Shane


ok so again i know its short and everything and i promise the next chapter will be longer... but other than that what do you think??? I need feedback and your opinions!!! I am still working on this writing things so really feedback would be greatly appreciated! Oh, and if you really like my story Vote and Fan!!


Briella :)

How do you say I Love You?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя