on this day remember

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It is not  what you look at it is what you see.

l know love is  not the opposite of hate indifference is !

Personalities clash  and tempers flare.

Meaning less !everything is meaningless. lt  nerves off

l honestly don't know who or what to be more pissed about so 

l've given up on reasoning and started living and so should you!

Why do we focus on tomorrow so much we forget all  about today?

Life is so brief it will be over before you know it ! meaningless

The perishing pleasures of man,short spanned happiness life is a dream.

Yet beauty and pain are intertwined in the world,both offer a fuller view 

of life when occurring in tandem .Sadness has it's pain yet 

helps one  scale and scope happiness in life .

what is life without breakdowns ? one can  only accurately know

how happy they are if they know sadness.

It is the burst of pain that come across that help you to be grateful

and cherish those who surround you.It is the beauty of pain that makes 

you love them more those who bring it.keep them close


Everyone is going to hurt you and its for you to choose those worth the pain.

We all need the chance to love freely and fearlessly. Keep them close

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