Chapter 6

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 Three months had passed, and Jo Yeong and Myeong Seung Ah had lots of fun together. They went to museums, amusement parks, cafes, restaurants, department stores, and more. But something wasn't right. They were both important people in the palace, and they didn't have much time to go out. Jo Yeong had a peculiar job of a guard. He was free besides his training from 6:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. to keep him fit. He had nothing to do, but he had to go in whenever The King or any of the Palace Royals called him. They could call him in whenever they wanted. 24 hours. Meanwhile, Seung Ah had a very scheduled job. She would work at the palace from 6:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. when she worked during the day, or 10:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. during days she worked at night. They both had lots to do, and they couldn't date openly. But today Jo Yeong asked Seung Ah to be out at 8:00 P.M., at a nearby coffee shop. So she had agreed, and she wore her casual jeans and a white hoodie with a spray of her favorite scent; roses. She looked in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction.

"Yeongie likes the scent of roses...I wonder why he called me out..." Seung Ah smiled and walked out. 

"Seung Ah...It's been a week since I haven't seen her..." Yeong checked his hair, slicked back because of his work. He wore black skinny jeans with a white blouse tucked in, showing off his thin, long legs. he wore flat black shoes and went out, before coming back in. "It's raining today. I better bring my umbrella." He muttered as he picked up his black umbrella and went back out. 

-In The Coffee Shop-

"Hi, Yeong. Why did you call me in?" Seung Ah asked, touching the side of Yeong's face with a delicate finger as Yeong smiled. 

"I just wanted to see you. We haven't met in a week. I can't live with a proper mind without meeting you, Seung Ah." Yeong smiled. 

"That's cute, but you really need to work on your pick up lines, Mr. Jo Yeong." Seung Ah laughed and teased as Yeong pouted.

"Ms. Myeong Seung Ah, we were here to check our work for the security of the palace," Jo Yeong suddenly spoke in a monotone voice, leaving Seung Ah confused. "As you can see, unauthorized beings of Lee Lim have been raiding the palace, therefore, security and trustworthy guards must be placed on every square of the palace." 

"Yah!" Seung Ah playfully smacked the top of Yeong's forehead as Yeong broke into a smile. "You seriously came to a coffee shop wearing black jeans to discuss about security?" 

"No, I just-" He was cut off as an annoying voice came from behind.

"Captain Jo Yeong! It's so great to see you again!" Hyun Sua squealed as Seung Ah stared calmly, angered on the inside. 

"Uh, hello, Ms. Hyun. What are you doing here again?" Yeong's cool voice pierced Sua's calculating eyes.

"Just. I came to see you!" Sua smiled cutely. 

"How did you know that he was here?" Seung Ah asked in suspicion. "We may have to report you for illegalized stalking." 

"Oh, but cute Yeongie is the head guard! You can't report that to him!" Sua taunted without her innocent smile vanishing. 

"There is a place called the police, you know." Seung Ah smiled sarcastically. 

"But you didn't know that information from the police gets sent to Yeongie?" 

"But you didn't know that information from Yeongie gets sent to The King?" Seung Ah raised her eyebrows. 'Why does this bish keep saying Yeongie?' She thought, confused. 

"Of course. I'm famous enough to be a topic discussion for The King, unlike some others." Sua retorted. 

"Of course. I'm a better girl than you bish to be dating Yeong." Seung Ah crossed her arms, annoyed.

"Ugh. I don't care!" Sua glared, her fists tightening.

"If you don't care, may you leave us in peace." Seung Ah smiled, pointing a finger to the exit of the shop. 

"I do care about my Yeongie though." Sua stared at Yeong and smiled. 

"Reporting this to The King may lead to the loss of your job, fines, and even a few years in prison. Would you like to keep going?" Jo Yeong stated. 

"What the hell!?" Sua fumed and left.

"Ew, what the hell is wrong with that girl?" Seung Ah glared back, and then realized that Yeong was staring at her in awe.

"I never knew fighting with words can have more impact." Yeong pressed his lips. 

"You do it all the time. Cold statements, sarcastic remarks, it's all part of the life," Seung Ah smiled, touching his lips with a finger. "I have to go. I need to finish up my work. It was an unfortunate date, I'll see you later. Bye, Yeongie!" She waved cutely after standing up and left, leaving Yeong confused.

"Come to my room at 9:00 P.M., okay?" Yeong called out. 

"Oh, fine. I will." Seung Ah said, not turning back.  

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