Never Knowing - Chapter Eight

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"Kathy stop - please. You're scaring the hell out of me. It'll be ok, trust me.' Shay says.
Kathy suddenly looses it at him. "How can I trust you? I find you passed out and bleeding and you won't tell me how the hell that happened!"
"I was protecting you alright! There!  My....enemy, you could say, wanted to get back at me. He knew where you lived, he was going to kill you. It was either you or me." He yells. Kathy whimpers, she hates it when he yells at him. "Is he still alive?" Kathy asks.
Shay nods gravely. "That's why I want you to move in with me - so that I can protect you."
"I - I can't leave my mum. I'll ask if you can move in with us."

After lots of persuading, her mum finally agrees. Shay moves in the next day and Kathy helps unpack everything. "How will you hunt now?" Kathy asks him when they are alone on her room. "I'll wake up early and go out late. I'll skip lunch and just have a large breakfast or dinner."
"Ok, so um I have a double bed so you can sleep in there or I can blow up an air bed."
"I don't mind sleeping with you." Shay whispers in Kathy's ear, making her blush. "Ok well I have some spare room for your clothes. You can put all of my stuff from the bottom chest of drawers into the top drawer and then you can have the empty one."

Kathy pushes aside her clothes and starts hanging up Shay's. Shay grins as he opens the bottom drawer. "Didn't know you liked lace Kath." He comments, holding up a red lace thong. Kathy goes bright red and takes it from him, stuffing it at the bottom of the top drawer. "Ok you do the wardrobe instead." She says quickly. He grins and wraps his arms around her waist and starts kissing her. "What are you wearing right now?" Shay murmurs into her neck. "Really Shay?" She huffs.
"Nothing." She sighs. Shay slips his hand under her top. "I'm really not in the mood Shay." She says, trying to pull away. "I bet I could put you in that mood." He says seductively, sliding his hand up further and curling his fingers around her bra before slowly unhooking it. "Stop it!" She snaps, pulling away harder. "I'm going through a really hard time and you don't even care! All you want to do is that! I'm just a toy to you aren't I?"
Then it's Shay's turn to get angry, "How could you even THINK that?! You know I care about you! It's not my fault you're so god damn uptight all the time! Why can't you just be fun?!" Kathy flinches as if she has just been slapped. She bites her lip and it starts to quiver. She steps back and turns away from him, walking out of the room. Shay grabs her arm before she can pass through the door. "Can't you stop touching me?" Kathy growls. Shay ignores the question, and says "Look Kath I'm sorry I shouldn't of said that. I didn't mean it. How can I make it up to you?"
Kathy thinks for a while, "Ice cream."
Shay smiles and runs out of the house. He returns a short while later and hands her a bag. She opens the bag and sees a box. When she opens the box there is a sundae with strawberry icecream, a wafer, chocolate stuck, sprinkles, sauce and a spoon. Kathy grins at him. "I guess I could forgive you." He sits on the bed next to her and wraps his arm around her shoulder. "Open." Kathy commands, before shovelling a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. He swallows and goes to wipe sauce off around his mouth with his hand when Kathy kisses him and wipes it off with her thumb. He smiles and kisses her back   before she returns to her ice cream.

They watch a movie before her mum tells her to go to sleep. She turns off her tv and picks up her pjs. She walks into the bathroom to get changed and brush her teeth and when she comes out Shay is lying on the bed. He opens his eyes and then he goes into the bathroom. Kathy gets under the duvet and curls up. When Shay comes back he gets in next to her and she lies against his chest. "Night Kath." He says softly. "Goodnight." She replies, smiling and closing her eyes.

When they wake up Kathy is alone. She remembers that he said he would get up early to go hunting, so she doesn't worry. Kathy gets up and gets ready for the day before going downstairs and having some breakfast. She then goes out into the garden and lies down on a sun lounger.

She slowly drifts if into a light sleep and only wakes when Shay kisses her on the lips. Her eyes flutter open and she smiles. "Hi darling." Shay says. "Hello." She replies, pulling him in for another kiss. "Kathy I need to visit Elaine today and I'm having dinner with her." Her mum calls through.
"Ok that's fine bye mum." Kathy calls back as her mum walks out if the door.

"It's just us." Shay says quietly. Kathy nods and lies back on her sun lounger, soaking up the sun's rays. Shay lies on one next to her and looks in her direction. He gets up and picks up Kathy with ease. "Shay!" She protests, smiling. He sits back down on his sun lounger and places her on his lap. Kathy lies against her chest and sighs deeply. He plays with her hair and asks what she wants to do today. "I don't mind." She says.
"Then can I choose?" Shay asks. Kathy looks at him. "Ok..."
He suddenly starts tickling her. "Shay!" She squeals, trying to wriggle away. He grins and tickles her more. "Stop - stop!" She giggles uncontrollably as she says this. Kathy rolls onto the floor but Shay doesn't stop. He pins her down and keeps tickling her. "Not - fair!!" Kathy gasps between laughing. "Please stop!"
He relents and sits back. Kathy sits up and pushes him in the chest. He grins and moves closer to her.

"What's the time?" Kathy asks him. "Er - 1PM." He answers. She nods and walks inside. She makes a sandwich and eats it at the dining room table. Kathy can feel Shay watching her. "Do you want one?" She asks. He bites his lip, "No because then I won't be able to stop." He jokes.
"Ok well then lets do something else. Follow me." Kathy says, putting the plate in the kitchen and then pulling Shay upstairs.

Afterwards she lies against Shay's chest and smiles. "I really like your abs." She comments. He chuckles and kisses her head. Kathy stretches and then Shay stares at her. "What?" She asks, worried. He sits up and holds her arm, studying it. He swears as he sees bruises up and down her left arm. "Does it hurt?" He asks Kathy. "No, it doesn't."
"Did it hurt?" He murmurs into her hair. She nods slightly before saying,
"A little bit at the start but then it went away."
Shay looks at her sadly. "I'm so sorry Kath."
"You have nothing to be sorry about. It was amazing. I'm fine, really." She assures him. He tells her to stand up and as she does so he puts his head in his hands. Kathy frowns, walks over to the mirror and gasps. All over her body are bruises. "Shay -"
"God damn it!" He yells, punching the bed. Kathy jumps at his sudden outburst and walks over to him. "Shay -"
"Go away Katherine." He says angrily. She grabs her clothes and runs into the bathroom, crying. She gets changed and sits in there, tears splashing on the tiled floor. She huddled her knees to her chest and buries her face in them. Why did this have to be ruined? Couldn't it of just been something amazing? Why did Shay have to get so mad?

Kathy stays in there for a while until someone knocks on the door. "Kath?" Shay whispers. She doesn't reply. "I know you're in there Kath. Let me in." He says. Kathy gets up, opens the door and looks at her feet. He tilts her face up and looks at her, anguish in his eyes. "I'm sorry Kath. I just got mad. I'm so sorry."
Kathy shrugs and goes to step past him when he turns him towards her. "Kath I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad."
Kathy scoffs, "You're saying this to me? The person who's fist almost went through a mattress!"
"Kath I really am sorry."
She looks at him, "I just wanted it to be special and then you got so mad."
"I was angry at myself. I still am. I've hurt you Kath."
"I don't care."
"You should! I -" Kathy stops him in mid sentence by kissing him on the lips. He sighs and kisses her back. "Nothing could ruin that for me Shay. I love you."
"I love you too Kath." Shay mumbles into her hair.

(I hope you are enjoying this! I'm sorry if there are any spelling or punctuation mistakes! 😃)

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