Day 14

26 5 9

👑 27th of May 2020👑

Describe your style..

Do I even have one??? 😂

My style??

I always wear Jeans and tops, that's my uniform (how my mum calls it)..

Because all the others in the wardrobe are just once in a blue moon outfits...

And yup all my attires are mostly the dark shades( which my mum hates entirely) and one thing my wardrobe is filled with is clothing in all shades of blue.. I would die for blue.. navy blue Jeans are my all time favourite..

I'm not against pastels but dark colours appeal to me much so I go along..

I am mostly in tee and PJ' s or cotton shalwars and for normal wear its always Jeans and top..

I'm a hijabi.. and yeah I wear abaya to school (as a teacher I have to ).. other than that nope..

I have a liking for the traditional desi wear, but I dont have the energy t dress up.. more like I'm so lazy to, so
I rarely dress up, only for the weddings or function yeah.. other than nope never ever..

And yeah this will blow you off your horses and you might not believe it at all but nope I dont wear even a teensy bit of make up.. all because
1. I feel like layers of cake are stacked on my face and I cant stand it..

2. I have no idea how all those work..

3. I am too lazy ...

And I'm short yeah but heels and me are a totally incredulous disaster so heels too only on important occasions and most the time sneakers or flats, ofc I get teased but my laziness over comes me and ofc I dont want to kiss the floor regularly so I stay in the safe line..

I like accessories, in fact I have many but the only thing I wear is my charm bracelets, bracelets are sooo love that I'd die for them..

And yeah that's all about my style which is nothing at all..

Sooo question for the day..

Watches or bracelets???

Until next time.. allah hafiz lovelies..

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