Mufasa's death 💔

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Simba: hey nala guess what
Nala:hey simba what is it
Simba: my dad told me I'm going to be future king
Nala: woah that's so cool
Simba: and I was also wondering if you would like to be queen when I'm king
Nala: of course simba

* later that day*
Simba: hey scar guess what
Scar: what simba *smiles*
Simba: yesterday my dad told me I'm gonna be future king
Scar: I'm so happy for you simba
Simba: hey scar when I'm king what will that make you?
Scar: a monkeys uncle
Simba: you're so weird
Scar: you have no idea
Scar: so your father showed you the whole kingdom did he
Simba: everything
Scar: he didn't show you the black shadowy place did he?
Simba: well no he said I can't go their while I'm still a cub
Scar: and he's absolutely right it's far too dangerous for cubs
Simba:well I'm brave what's out there
Scar: I'm sorry simba I can't tell you yet you're still a cub and also I'm looking out for my favorite nephew
Simba:I'm your only nephew
Scar: I know simba still doesn't mean you can't be my favorite nephew *smiles*

*Later this day*
*Simba  falls in the gorge*
Simba: daaaad, uncle helppp
Scar: mufasa quick stapede in the gorg simba's down there
Mufasa: simba!
*scar and mufasa run down to the gorge*
*zazu flying over the gorge looking for simba*
Simba: *climbs a dead tiny tree to try to get away from the running wild beasts*
Simba: *spots zazu* zazu help me
Zazu: you're father and uncle are on their way hold on
Simba: hurry
Zazu: there there on that tree
*tree breaks*
Simba: helppp
Mufasa: hold on simba I'm coming
*tree breaks simba starts to fall mufsa catches simba puts simba on a lege with scar mufsa tries to jump up but fails because of the wild beast*
Simba: *in fear* daaad
Mufasa: * finds a new ledge tried climbing up it rocks start falling*
Scar: * sees his brother is about to fall * stay here simba I'm going to try to help your father
Scar: *sees his brother struggling*
Mufasa: scar! Brother please help me
Scar:*reaches his paw to try to save his brother*
Mufasa: *tries to grab his paw but fails and falls into the stampede* ahhhhhh
Simba: noooooo
Scar: brother *whispers sadly*
Simba: * runs down after the stampede is gone*
Simba: dad? *walking till he sees his father laying on the ground* dad get up *simba nudging his dad to try to wake him* dad please get up what to go home *tears start running down simba's face* help somebody Anybody help
Simba:*looks over tears running down his face*
Scar: I'm sorry simba the king is dead I tried to save him but failed because he slipped*
Simba: what are we going to do? *tears running down his face*
Scar: we are going to go back to pride rock and tell the others what happened and I'm going to take my place till you're old enough to take your place as king

*Simba and scar and zazu go back to pride rock*

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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