【Midnight Stroll】

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[ 3rd Person POV ]

[Location: Handicrafts Clubroom]

Kagehira stood back up with the help of (Y/n). He was still not used to talking with her, in his words it felt like a dream to get to talk to someone who he wasn't familiar with.

While (Y/n) and Kagehira kept apologizing to each other infront of the Handicrafts clubroom door. The other male in the room spotted an unknown person staring at them as they talk.

The unknown person noticed his unfriendly glare and quickly hide away from his sight.

He felt suspicious of the person, but it wasn't like he could do anything about it and so he ignored the both of them talking and go back doing his thing while they chat away their life.

He was now far away from being able to hear them properly, the conversation wasn't that interesting although he pick up on the girl being a producer and not someone from other course.

It confuses him greatly as to why Kagehira sounds so comfortable with this girl, he never mentioned her before and if they only recently met it this would be a miracle for him to be that talkative.

"Maybe Mika-chan is growing up." Mademoiselle woke up from the commotion. He scoffed. "Him? Non! Impossible! For him that is..."

"Shu-kun are you afraid that Mika-chan will leave you?"

Shu glared at the doll that is now in his hand. "That's ridiculous!"

After a small back and forth between them, from what he can hear while that happens it seems the girl ran over just to give him something back and she left.

"Sorry it took so long Oshi-san..." Kagehira walk over to them inside he is quite scared of what Shu is about to say from him interacting with someone that he never saw before.

He noticed Kagehira's inner panic right away from his facial expression and the way he imperfectly move towards him. "Hmph, I could be bother less by your foolish banter. Now come, Failure. I shall enlighten your simple mind on my plan!"

Kagehira was immediately relieved that he didn't mind what happened, but now that emotion was replaced by confusion. "Eh? Ain't we not goin' to do anythin' for awhile?"

"Silence! Now for as tomorrow is Thursday..."

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

【 Night 21 】

[ (L/n) (Y/n) POV ]

[Location: Garden Terrace]

Again as well today was another nightmare. Night after night I was getting tired all of it. The most headache inducing thing was that I rarely ever remember them.

Right now I'm strolling at the garden terrace in the middle of the night hoping to get rid of the annoying feeling my head. I wish I had took my phone with me to listen to some music along with the beautiful scenery when the place got dark. The garden terrace was always a quiet nice get away place the might was even better, the soft gentle cold breeze of the wind, the beautiful light hitting the flowers, a sound of the bushes ruffling, a clear view of the moon. It was overall like a paradise.

It was a shame the silent didn't last very long as I hope to be. "Ooh~? (Y/n)-chan, how unexpected! I wonder if this is fate for us to be together?" The voice did make me jump, but I quickly maintain back my composure and wave at him. "Hi, Kaoru I didn't expect you here either."

He walks towards me then slow down his pace once he was beside me. Kaoru give his usual smile although it been a very long while since I last saw him in person usually text each other on phone since he been busy with... something.

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