Chapter 3

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"The General! High school! It's all coming back to me now!" Shaq said in a tone that was kind of exited but not really at the same time. "I uh... That's right!" The General said nervously. "You know, I tried to hide it, but I had the biggest crush on you." Shaq spoke with a bit of a quiver. The General turned as red as an animal who was run over by an SUV on the middle of the road and has been decaying for several days with no one coming to clean it up. "Well," Shaq said. "Looks like it's down to business, I wrote a rough draft of our first commercial together. Ready to get started?" Shaq smiled at the General. "O-of course, Shaq!" Without thinking, Shaq took the General's hand (which was very sweaty) and took him into his basement. Upon entering, the General noticed a closet that had several children in it, tied up and scared. "Cool collection!" The General said with admiration. "May I see them?" "Oh nah." Shaq said as he rushed over to close and lock the closet. "That's for the market." "O-ok." The General said. Shaq sat down with his phat ass on the couch and the general sat next to him. Shaq handed the General a script. "Let's get started!" He said with a smile.

Shaq x The General (Erotic love story)Where stories live. Discover now