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I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to.
Julius wouldn't do that....
Would he?
"Bryce...are you being serious? Why would he...I mean, he wouldn't do that just because...there's gotta be a reason, amor."
Bryce clenched his jaw.
"No. He wouldn't that. But I don't want to assume anything right now. We would have to ask him when we get there. Abue, do you think you could bring the kids over here?"
"Lita's buckling them in their car seats right now. We'll meet you there."
"Alright, thank you so much. I'll see you later."
"Bye, mijo."


I watch as my children come waddling on the pavement in front of the hospital up to me, their arms stretched out and smiling so big.
I almost tear up every time they call me that.
"Hola, mijos!"
I crouch down and pick up my son, Carlo, and hug him very tight. His small arms wrap around my neck.
Standing up slowly, I watch as Bryce picks up our other twin, my daughter Angie.
Then I see my mother.
She is a little ways shorter than me, streaks of silver in her hair and faint lines on her cheeks.
She smiles, and I reach over and hug her, Carlo still in my arms.
"Hola, Mami. ¿Se portaron bien los niños?"
"Si mija, cómo siempre."
"Que bueno. Gracias Mami."
I watched as Bryce's face became more serious.
"Let's to visit Julius."
Carlo tapped my face.
"¿Tío Coco?"
I nodded smiling.
"Uh huh! Tío Coco."

All of us walked inside, our footsteps a little eager to see our dear friend.
Bryce walked up to the desk, asking permission to visit Julius.
The woman nodded, then gave Bryce instructions on how to get to his room.
She pressed a button and the doors opened, and all of us walked in.
Recalling what the woman told him, Bryce led us to Julius' room, eager to see his best friend.
We finally arrived, and with a clenched jaw, my husband knocked on the door to room 305.
We watched as a young woman that Bryce recognized as Covey open the door to his room.
"How is he?" Bryce asked.
She smiled.
"He's doing just fine," Covey nods, "and he should be out in 3 days."
All of us looked at each other.
This would delay Julius's rescue mission.
"Could...could we see him?"
Something was going on....Bryce was trying to hint something to Covey.
Something's wrong.
"Of course! Come in, y'all!"
My husband and my parents all walk inside, and immediately Covey's behavior changes when she shuts the door behind her.
"I have to be quick. I can't stay long. Julius is asleep right now."
She sighs, then continues.
"Earlier today, two policemen came in looking for him. They told us that as soon as he was released, Julius would be sent to the station for questioning and put on trial. They think....they think HE was the one that blew up the train because he was the only survivor."
Bryce and I look at each other. I could see panic in his eyes.
Covey continued, "He's well enough to leave tonight. You need to take him to B.C. Canada as soon as possible. only has to be you, Bryce."
"Why?! I can't just simply....leave my family here!"
"You won't," Covey started, "I believe that Mr. Vaughn here can take them somewhere else. If we help Julius....we're going to be wanted by the police too."
I turn to look at Bryce.
"I think we should, Bryce. I know Julius didn't do it. He has to get to Kedah as soon as he can."
"I can take them, mijo," my father started, "pack our things tonight and fly out eastward. We can figure out the rest later."
I watched as my husband clenched his jaw.
"Alright. Don't leave so fast. Walk out casually. If anyone asks, tell them that the children are tired, though I don't think anyone will."
They nod, then start their way out the door.
I linger for a moment.
Covey walks them out, and I hand over Carlo to my father. Bryce hands over Angie to my mother. All of them walk out, and I'm left alone with Bryce.
I watch him as he huffs and clenches his jaw.
"This is a mess," he says.
I walk over slowly and start caressing his cheeks.
He watches me, his eyes softening the more he looks at me.
Even after six years, I still get chills when he looks at me like that. It's the look he gives me when I'm trying to calm him down after a long day.
I slowly move my hands to the back of his neck and lace my fingers into his deep brown curls.
He closes his eyes, and I could feel his hands pulling me into a tight hug.
"Cuídate, m'kay?" I mumble into his chest.
"Anything for you," he replies.
He pulls away slightly. I could see so much worry in his eyes.
"Don't say anything, Reina, I know you were just going to tell me not to worry," he scolds playfully.
I chuckle a little, "You know me all to well."
"You're my wife, Reina. Of course I do."
I smile at that. He's always called me Queen in Spanish ever since we started dating.
Then he gives me that look again.
"I love you. Very, very much, Reina."
"I love you too."
We share a sweet, lingering kiss, and I reluctantly pull away.
As I make my way to the door, I turn around and tell him strictly, yet playfully:
"I want you at Abue's tomorrow by 6 P.M. sharp for supper, you hear? Don't you dare be late."
Bryce chuckles.
"And what would happen if I do?"
I glare at him, smirking just a little bit.
"You're gonna get the Flying Chancla by my dear mother and then me."
He scoffs.
"You wouldn't dare..."
"Aha...try me, Carleton."
Right before I open the door, I turn once more to him.
"I love you."
I watch as he smiles.
"I love you, too."
Then, with shaking hands, I turn the doorknob and walk out to the rest of my family.

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