Chapter 42- Asher Cyr

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( I got the name from "I_EaT_PlAnTs21322")

Addison shows up. I show her to the baby. She instantly falls Inlove with him

Addison: omg he is such a beautiful little boy
Kio: Yeah. He really is
Addison: You have a name for him??
Kio: I- bella was suppose to pick out a name. But to be honest. If she doesn't make it Addison. I- I cant take care of him alone.
Addison: u won't be alone Kio. U have us. All of us. And u already r a great dad. U haven't left this child side since u saw him. U already got him clothes and diapers. U out his car seat in your car. You have everything baby proofed in the house. And let not forget u built everything in his room
Kio: I know. But I cant even think of a name.
Addison: Klaus or maybe Asher
Kio: what??
Addison: Bella. On the drive here we were talking about kid names. She said she loved klaus and Asher. But she thought u would honestly hate it
Kio: it's different. I like it. Asher Cyr
Addison: that's his name. Asher Klaus Cyr.

Bryce comes into the room

Bryce: Kio-

I hope to god he doesn't say what I think.

Bryce: U can see Bella now

Thank god.

Bryce shows me to her room. I walk in and god she looks horrible but yet beautiful. She has a whole bunch of bruises and scratches on her face. Her arm is covered in cuts. She has a huge tube down her throat and a whole bunch of wires going into her

Bryce: It's not as bad as she looks

The pain. She is going through. She is going through so much pain. A tube down her throat, into her lungs. I- I just don't even wanna know what she is going through. I can't help her. There is nothing I can do, knowing that sucks.

Bryce: Ima go and hold the baby. Talk to her Kio. She might be able to hear us

Bryce leaves the room. It's just me and Bella. I grab ahold of her hand

Kio: hey baby.

I hold back my tears. If she can hear me I don't want her to hear me upset. She hates when I'm upset. She loves happy Kio.

Kio: I don't know if u can hear me. Or what. But we have a beautiful baby boy. I talked to Addison and we named him Asher. She said u loved that name

I giggle a little bit. I couldn't hold it back. I start to cry

Kio: babe. Please come back to me. I need u. I can't be without u. I can't raise this kid without u. He needs his mother. He needs u Bella. I need you. I won't be able to move on. I know we didn't exactly meet in a perfect way. But the moment I saw u I knew I had to know u. I knew u were the love of my life. I love you Bella hall. We're supposed to raise this baby together. Go to college. Finish college than after college move out of the sway house. Maybe. And live on our own. Maybe have another kid like u wanted. A girl.

I felt her squeeze my hand

Kio: babe?? Open your eyes

The doctor comes in

Doctor: I need you to leave. We need to run some more test
Kio: NO. She just moved. I- I felt it
Doctor: how did she move??
Kio: she squeezed my hand
Doctor: Sir. We have to run more test. U can come back and see her when we r done

I leave the room and go back to Asher

Addison: so how did it go?? How is she
Kio: she isn't doing well. She looks horrible addy

I cry into her arms. I couldn't hold it together anymore. I feel like my world is crumbling down and there is nothing I can do about it.

Addison: Hey hey, look at me. Bella will be fine. She isn't weak. She is strong. It's only been one day. The surgery made her weak. Just give her some time. She will slowly get better. But right now. Go and be with your son.

I go into the nursery and hold Asher . My own son. I would never never thought I would have a child, and with a girl I am completely obsessed with. The one person I can imagine marrying. Growing old. Having kids. Gets a house. Starting a life with. Going on tiny little family vacations

Nurse: He is doing amazing. He doesn't cry much he can sense your pain, it will just make him cranky, there is some good news. He should be able to go home in a couple of days
Kio: Like leave with me?? To my house
Nurse: I mean yeah
Kio: Oh... umm I brough some clothes for him to wear and diapers.

I hand her the bag

Nurse: thanks you. Here. U can make his bottle and change him
Kio: me??
Nurse: Yes.

She hands me everything. It's weird. It's like I just know what to do. I've never done it before. I changed his diaper and put him in some clean clothes

Kio: well aren't u a little cute guy

He opens his eyes and just stares at me

Kio: Hey little guy. U hungry

I make him a bottle and sit in a rocking chair and feed him

Nurse: look. Your already a natural at this

I guess I am. I did everything so easy. Like I- idk I am supposed to be doing this. Raise a child
I lay him into his little bed thingy for him to sleep. I go back into the waiting room. It's about 8pm now

Nessa: I think we r all gonna head home now

They all give me a hug

Kio: waif. Is anyone staying
Addison: Bryce is. U and him can stay in Bella room. I will be back tomorrow morning.

They all leave and I go back to Bella room with Bryce

Bryce: hey man
Kio: how is she??
Bryce: nothing different. She hasn't moved. It's like she is completely paralyzed
Kio: she did move. A little bit when I was in here
Bryce: What did she do
Kio: she squeezed my hand while I was talking to her
Bryce: it's gonna be a long night
Kio: They said Asher could probably come home soon. Like in a couple of days
Bryce: are you up for that
Kio: I am. But- I cant be at the hospital and take care of Asher
Bryce: Hey. We can help with Asher . U can still be here with bella. And when u r at home I will be here with her. I promise you that.
Kio: I'm so scared Bryce. I have a child. A actually human being. He is mine. My blood. He came from me
Bryce: it's crazy man.
Kio: it's one of the most best feeling. Your gonna love it
Bryce: yeah. And Bella better be around to see when her nephew is born

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